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Can a nurse be too old to work at the bedside?

By: Donna Cardillo, MA, RN

A recent New York Times article begged the question, “How old is too old for doctors to continue practicing medicine?” It noted that increasing numbers of physicians are now over 65 years old and cited instances where some physicians, who apparently suffered from cognitive and other age-related ailments, simply were not able to practice safely and caused harm to patients. I couldn’t help but wonder if the same applies to some “older” nurses working at the bedside.

Let’s consider the facts: Many nurses are still working at the bedside in their 70s and a few even in their 80s. Granted, every nurse is different and age alone is not an indictor of ability. But the inevitable truth is that the older we get the more we are prone to age-related ailments ,such as Parkinson’s and dementia, which are often undiagnosed. And since nurses, like the rest of the population, are living and working longer (many out of sheer necessity), will those nurses be able to recognize when they are no longer able to do their bedside job to the best of their ability? Can we even see in ourselves when our slowed reflexes, diminished critical thinking skills, and lessened agility hamper our practice and potentially endanger our patients and ourselves?

This does not imply that all nurses should stop working at the bedside at a certain age or that they should stop working at all. It simply raises the question about one’s own ability to continue competent and safe bedside practice indefinitely. This concern comes at a time when 10,000 baby boomers are turning 65 each day  — that’s right, each day. And many of them are in the current bedside nursing workforce and are being required to work 12-hour shifts. (See post dated 10/26/10 “Are 12-hour shifts safe?”)

If you manage or employ nurses in a direct patient care role who seem to no longer have the speed, agility, or quick thinking skills necessary to provide competent care at the bedside, what do you do? Do you suggest or require that the nurse transfer to an alternative-type specialty or department within the facility or do you do nothing and pray that the situation will work itself out?

So let’s say a nurse decides for himself or herself, or is deemed by an employer, it isn’t safe to practice at the bedside.  That doesn’t mean that the nurse should be sent out to pasture and is no longer productive on any level. Of course nurses have many options of work settings, specialties, schedules, and types of work. So there are always alternatives. An in-patient bedside role is only one way for nurses to work. But since many nurses have never considered alternative work settings/roles and may not even know what many of them are, this can create a personal and career crisis for some.

It’s time for the nursing community to have open and frank discussions about our aging workforce as it relates to ability to do a particular job. It is also time for employers to offer more flexible scheduling and hours for older nurses and to create a plan to transition some nurses into alternate positions/settings within their organization. Some healthcare facilities are already doing this but many are not. It is also time for all nurses to be realistic about what is an appropriate work setting, pace, and schedule for them and to explore alternatives as necessary. If we don’t, it may just be a matter of time before our employer and/or a regulatory body does it for us.

Older nurses, whether new graduates or seasoned veterans, have plenty to offer and are a vital component of our current and future healthcare system. Let’s all work together to have a realistic, safe, and supportive vision and plan for every stage of the lifecycle of a nurse.

Donna Wilk Cardillo is the Career Guru for Nurses and “Dear Donna” columnist for Nursing Spectrum, NurseWeek, and Donna is also an ‘Expert’ Blogger at She is author of The ULTIMATE Career Guide for Nurses, Your 1st Year as a Nurse, and A Daybook for Beginning Nurses. Ms. Cardillo is creator of the Career Alternatives for Nurses® seminar and home-study program. You can reach her at

*Online Bonus Content: These are opinion pieces and are not peer reviewed. The views and opinions expressed by Perspectives contributors are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or recommendations of the American Nurses Association, the Editorial Advisory Board members, or the Publisher, Editors and staff of American Nurse Journal.


  • My name is Patricia and a CNA at 72, Have become extremely interested in becoming a Doula or as an Assistant in some other areas of nursing. Is this unrealistic?

    • You go girl!! I just got my husband out of the hospital today. The student nurse he had was 51 and just wonderful to us. I think she has given me the courage to pursue nursing school again at age 67. We can do it! I was an RN many years ago (got sick for years and couldn’t practice) but I know how hard CNAs work. I know you can do it!!!

    • No Patricia it is not unrealistic. I was an RN but haven’t worked for many years. I know how hard CNAs work so yes you can do it!!! I’m now 67 and am considering going back into nursing. Just today my husband was discharged from the hospital. The student nurse he had was 50 and she was terrific. I think she has given me the courage to seriously consider this. I pray you are doing well and will follow your dreams.

  • I was so happy to see that there are other retired RN’s that have the same concerns I do about returning to the workforce. I think we should all go for it.

  • I am wondering if I am the only one in her late sixties who is considering a return to bedside nursing? I’ve been an Infection Preventionist for 11 years now, and will continue to function in that role, but so many younger poc nurses have either left nursing early on in the pandemic, and a slew flat retired before the vaccines were available, that now finding knowledgeable, seasoned nursing staff is almost impossible in rural hospitals.

    If you are a nurse returning to bedside care, please consider rural hospitals–pretty sure you will be welcomed with open arms.

  • Bobby Hughes
    July 27, 2021 2:33 pm

    I am 72 y/o RN (retired). I am considering getting my credentials reinstated. I will cost me about $1200 for the refresher course. I worked as a NICU nurse for 20 years. I am sure I would not be able to do NICU again, but being a recent widow I am sure there would be something productive I could do as a RN. What do you think?

    • Absolutely, go for it. My daughter had cancer years ago and she had a nurse doing bedside work at 74 years old.

      My mentor is still living at the age of ninety-three. She was still screening blood pressures with the American Red Cross at the grand old age of ninety-one. The hospital has since closed down with the exception of urgent care.

  • Linda havier
    June 25, 2021 10:24 pm

    I am glad i read all this comments answered my questions i had of continueing to work at my age as a cna

  • 46 years in nursing, my goal is getting my RN-MSN-Ed all comments are inspiring. My experience is med-surg,cardiac-resp,supervision.
    Now I’m a clinical instructor for LVN..I’m enjoying this but want to teach on the college level. Some family members think l’m crazy but that’s my goal.

    • I have an MSN, and yes, you can teach at the junior college level the ADN-RN programs in most states with a masters. To teach in 4 year colleges though, I am finding they want a doctorate–either in education or in nursing. Both types of programs do the same thing–get new nurses educated and out into the field, 4 year colleges pay more but a doctorate is not cheap though.

  • Love the enthusiasm here! I’m 60 and have been working as an RN for 28 years. It’s been a wonderful career so far-almost every specialty in hospitals and some home health …currently in a county ICU-I think this is my favorite place-great people, benefits and working conditions. I plan to work at least until 80. My plan: stay healthy and forget the number!

  • Love the enthusiasm here! I’m 60 and have been working as an RN for 28 years. I plan to work at least until 80. My plan: stay healthy and forget the number!

  • Cynthia Stanley
    October 16, 2020 5:43 pm

    I am so proud of myself. I am 73 years old and just got hired into a long term care facility!! They hired me on the spot to start next Wednesday at a pay rate I wanted. I received my LPN in 1976, my RN in 1993, my BSN in 2004. 8 hour shift part time everything I asked for. I have no plans to retire, maybe after I buy my new car !!

    • Hi Cynthia,
      That is wonderful! I wish more nurses would be able to do what you were doing because they’re such a need for pediatric nurses in the home in many of these cases are so wonderful the families and the children they need good solid nurses and it’s a wonderful way for retirees to pick up extra money and also to feel like they are important which you are when you were doing this you’re helping a family keep their child at home. Kudos to you and I hope you are doing well!:)

  • Never give up – Health at any age is an issue – positive or negative. It is not the age # – but the age quality

  • Constance Petro
    November 21, 2019 2:10 pm

    65 & new LVN Grad. – ‘A’..Student through Nursing School.Strong & Fit..So far I have been offered 2 LVN opportunities – Too much commute. I am returning for an RN Bridge Program & need to be close to Home for my job. There is a Nursing Crisis – I have yet to feel age discrimination – I am looking forward to this 2and Career with no retirement in sight ( G.d Willing)…Not the retiring type…Have a notion to open a Skilled Nursing Facility – They are much needed. I have been a Therapist over 25 years & always wanted to study Nursing – Very grateful to have had this opportunity –

    • Constance, as a 59 year old just entering nursing school, I would love to have a conversation with you. Your attitude is so inspiring. If by any chance you ever come back to this message again ca you email me? 🙂

      • Hi Synthia, congratulations on going back at 59, that’s inspiring. How was school and how are you liking being a nurse? I’m 48 and starting a 2-year entry-level MSN program this fall. Any tips for us OGs?

  • I am beginning my 49th year working as RN in home care. I no longer make home visits. I now work in telehealth triaging patients and doing telephone education with patients with a goal of reducing rehospitalizations. This work is fast paced and very interesting. As I am the longest term member of this department my younger colleagues are often asking my advice and input.

  • I am a 57 year old nurse who works in a very busy inpatient hospice unit. I have over 35 years of experience. We are often short-staffed and care responsibilities that are usually PCA’s fall on the RN’s. My manager stated that we should delegate better but we often have inadequate staffing and I always help with baths, feedings, changing patients plus having medication passes, educating families, dealing with crisis and patient’s who have a lot of time consuming care. All of the RN’s work late, usually 2-4 hours late so our 12 hour shifts turn into 14-16 hour shifts. Our manager complains that we should be not working overtime but to give quality care we cannot avoid it. I am considering switching specialties to a less physically stressful specialty

    • I know this comment comes very late in the game but I work in a LTC facility as an RN. It seems to me management needs to go back to business school. Anytime workers put so much valuable energy into taking care of patients (especially hospice patients who deserve excellent, dignified, care at the end of their lives) they deserve to get overtime, without complaint from management. Workers like you are jewels to the organization and if they were smart they would know how valuable their employees are, and pay them accordingly.

    • I hear you! Need more PCTs so RNs can do problem solving, education, communication with doctors , families and rest of healthcare team. So much of inpatient care is taking care of simple but very time consuming incontinence needs , and other body functions.

  • 74 and still have passion for my nursing
    I am a diploma nurse and did bedside nursing for years buy for me knew when it was time to stop and move on. Owned a temp agency for 3 years, VNA work for 12 years , and nurse triage work for over 15 years, Pediatric nurse triage from home now for several years and have my own business of Health Coaching and Certified Hypnosis Instructor, writing a book about diploma nurses and what value we can bring to the young nurses graduating. As long as the nurse is safe has mental acuity, compassion and continues to educate self with the knowledge that they know when to stop I feel that age is only one small factor.

  • I am a 51 year old RN, BSN with 22 years nursing experience. I have been working an office nursing job for the past 10 years and wanted to get back into bedside nursing. I interviewed with 3 local hospitals over the course of about 3 months and was hired on a med surg unit PRN. I now work my full time phone nursing job and a PRN job in med surg. Im not sure what part of the country some of the respondents live but in the South its pretty easy to find a nursing job regardless of age. Over the past 20 years, ive worked with nurses in their 70’s who were still going strong. Ive never had any problems finding a job as an RN. I plan to retire at 64 or 65 because I just cannot see myself working on the floor past that age. No matter how much we may think we are still productive, age gets all of us at some point and I think some people just don’t know when to exit. We all know one. I don’t plan to be that person.

  • I am almost 67 and a psych nurse. Retired (with a very good retirement) for a year, then went back to work I work 3 -12 hr shifts a week and I love it. My experience has been my greatest asset, especially as new RN’s enter the field. I plan to work another year–done before I hit 68. I must say that I appreciate my fellow employee comments about the difference that I make—and it is not really me, it is just having the ‘age’ and experience that make the difference. Being able to make a positive contribution to my field is very pleasing and I would not change it for the world.

  • Andrea D Richardson
    January 12, 2019 10:23 am

    I am 54 and have been a C.N.A for many years but at the ripe old age of 54 , I have enrolled in nursing school. I sometimes feel I am to old but I know this is all in my head . I thank u ladies for being the wonderful nurses you are . I love older nurses the wisdom and the knowledge you guys bring to the table is second to known?

  • I’m 67 yrs & wants to go train as a LVN because I can’t find IT jobs (my feild)

  • Shirlan Brown
    August 11, 2018 5:20 pm

    I am 71..I returned to school in Jan of this yr to renew my license…In Tex if you haven’t worked in over 5yrs you must take an RN Nurse refresher course…I did this and passes all sections with a grade of 95-100.Got my license reinstated and went to work on a LTAC unit…I was so excited…had a
    preceptor to oversee my abilities and orient to the unit. Exactly one month after working with a company that is so disorganized it takes nurses 1-2 hrs to gather their medications…That was not just me, my preceptor had the same problem…I ..worked a month and was let go because I “was not progressing as rapidlly as the company wanted”, would not give me specific examples of how I was not progressing in my 90day probationary status so they “let me go”. I was devastated!! So, any ideas about how to progress and what to do to be successful at another job?

  • 65 and being bullied.
    I was in nurse management for years and when I gave that up, I was hired by a hospital. That hospital was so prejudiced by age, and hired cookie cutter appearing young grads with nice figures and long straight hair, and glamorous appearances. I often wonder if this is a pay /budget ploy? After 25 yrs in nursing we all cap out of our earning potential. New grads will take jobs for much less than we make on the wage scale. Age discrimination is against the law, but no one enforces it.
    Bottom line, it really is a sad way to end a career after giving it your all for so many years. The young that are enjoying themselves as “Super Nurse” needs to be weary of the stereo typing of older nurses. We have two options, get old or die. If you do not take care of your own now, who will take care of you when you arrive at the “older nurse” stage?

  • I am a 52 yr old nurse with 10 years of experience in orthopedics and 16 years of experience in telemetry, heart failure and heart transplants. I have a BSN and am not interested in going back to school at this point in my life. I really want to get to the end so that I can retire. I use to love nursing but now the increasing demands and disproportionate staffing and pay have made things much more difficult and less enjoyable. I still enjoy direct patient care but the stress is a bit much. Even some of the younger nurses admit this. I’m facing the possibility of having to relocate with my future spouse but I’m not optimistic that I will find a new job given the reality of age discrimination. I feel like I should try to hold on to my current job as long as possible to possibly avoid the issue of unemployment. I can’t afford to give up but I need a transition into a stable position. Where do I start? Shoukd I venture out or stay put? It’s frustrating and nerve racking.

  • Katie Gough
    June 28, 2016 3:39 pm

    I am a well rounded 51 year old RN, BSN in Central VA. I have been applying for positions at the two local hospitals for greater than 3years. I have only gotten about 2-3 phone interviews and usually a rejection email the day after I apply for an opening. I have a 23 years of vast nursing experience and I am fully able to work still. I feel as if it is age discrimination under cover. They even ask on the application if you are under or over 40. I do not know what I will do…I have been working out of state IT contract training jobs with no benefits or insurance. It is very sad.

  • This is an intriquite and interesting debate. I just turned 60.Obtained my AS in Nursing in 1983, My BSN in 2005, and my MSN in 2005. For those of us who have had our lifetime consisting of healing, it is of great sorrow and “placement of self” as to the primary question: Where do we belong now? That answer is as varied as the individuals whom it challenges. For myself? I have begun to recognize that albeiet I am not beyond prime, I still have multitudes to offer given the correct opportunity.

  • I am 63 years old and am an excellent RN. I have a masters degree and I teach 8 nursing students just as a previous person stated. I am comfortable with this responsibility. I am also working in a busy urgent care where I make excellent decisions every day. I do have to slow down occasionally as I have arthritis but muscle memory takes care of most of my issues at work. I think we all know when we should retire and if we do not we should take that one aside and discuss the issue with them…

  • I am 75yr.old, working in Telemetry, and continue to function fully with younger RNs, why, I am blessed and continue to work with God’s help. You are as old as you think.

  • We recently had a very dangerous med error concerning a drip in my unit…both RNs were “counseled”..the one who witnessed the narcotic and the primary RN..BOTH RNs were under 28 years old. Older RNs are earning at the high end of the pay scale…do you think that could be a reason why “they” say we need to leave?

  • I am 59 years old and a nurse educator in an associate’s degree program. I am tapped out by 8 students and sixteen patients. I am wondering who besides us handles sixteen acutely ill patients in the hospital setting, as well as eight learners in varying stages of their own understanding. I will put my knowledge and understanding up to that of the staff nurses and any students at any time, but a 1 to 8 ratio in today’s acute care setting is inappropriate.

  • I worked in various positions for in one hospital setting for over 20 years, and suddenly without warning I was laid off. The reason was that I was getting older and was costing the parent company too much money! I had just turned 51 years old! Putting us “old timers” out to pasture so to speak left my unit floundering for a new leader as I was a Clinical Manager. The staff moral went down the tubes, and the remaining staff began to transfer or quit. What pupose did my layoff serve in the end?

  • Liz Dietz, EdD, RN, CS-NP
    April 19, 2011 5:06 am

    Thank goodness there are no rules for age requirements in Nsg – it is up to each individual. When I’m on a disaster Red Cross assignment I have been with 70 and 80+/- year old nurses who carry out their duties in a super manner. They truly are the role models – I am now 65 and find I am slower than before, but the brain is still kicking! I may sit to interview families, but that is a good thing – I can still carry on an assignment and look to my other Nsg colleagues as we work together.

  • I will be 64 in a few months and I told my boss last week that I have done my last clinical rotation with students. It’s not that I can’t remember things….in fact I do better than the 20 year old students that I am teaching…tt is that it wears me to do floor nursing and have 16 patients (2 per student). I love teaching, I love nursing but I do think that there are things that a 60 year old should leave to the younger nurses!

  • I am 64 years old and have been a nurse since 1969. I love direct patient care and have been doing it for most of those 42 years. After a lay-off last year, I found myself looking for a new position and found one. The problem is that all of the nurses at my current job are young and have made it patently clear that they really don’t want me there. Any suggestions?

  • Carolyn Meyer RN, BSN, CNOR
    April 15, 2011 11:42 pm

    I received my ADN degree at the age of 50yrs. I used to be an Art teacher and we all know what happens to education budgets and the Arts. I felt that nursing was a feild that would have decreased age decrimination. I feel it does but it does depend on the managerial force. Recently we have hired a 67 yr. old surgery director. I almost think she is more discriminatory than someone younger. I got my BSN & now applying for MSN in Ed. They’re desperate for nurse educators.

  • I am in the process of being forced into “retirement at 64. I have had a long and successful 40 yr career in nursing. The last 2 years I have been hounded for “critical thinking” errors which have lead to 2 warnings and now a final disagreement between how my supervisor would have handled something and how I handled it has lead to my taking FMLA leave for stress and anxiety causing panic attacks. I have been informed that when I come back I will be fired. I have been aksed to resign. Unfair

  • Patricia S. Undercuffler, R.N.,C.
    April 15, 2011 5:17 am

    In a new community, I had interviews at two hospitals. At the first,the HR person noted that I would not be able to keep up the pace as she, younger than me, no longer could do it. Discouraged, I went to the second interview. The department head looked at my former work, and her remarks made me proud of my skills. I learned so much under her mentorship- and have continued to enjoy work with teens and mental health. Age isn’t the factor, it is valuing the skills we bring. Thank you,Millie.

  • As an Occupational HEalth Nurse in a hospital, my staff and I have started to recognize the effects of aging on the bedside nurse. This past year, we have had to deal with two employees with cognitive deterioration resulting in patient safety issues. Both employees were “gently” encouraged to retire. On another note, the “senior” nurses do not have the physical strength and agility they was had, resulting in musculo-skeletal injuries that take longer to resolve.

    • I find it is some of the younger ,newer nurses making the mistakes,careless or trying to be hot shots cocky,talking on cell phones,wearing nail polish,pants so tight and see thru their under wear is showing not working as a team at all,poor critical thinking skills.I asked one to fill a 1 ml syring,when she showed me a 3/4 filled syring ,I told her it is not filled and her answer was “but it is a one cc syringe”. sad but true.

  • I have been a nurse since 1978 and I am as quick both on my feet and in my head as ever! I do not like to work 12 hours in a row and think it is too much for ANYONE and is unsafe period.
    Currently, I am working 2 jobs. One teaching Fundamentals to nursing students in clinical and the other at an HMO where they do not like older nurses at all. I always color my hair and maintain my youthful appearance because I am afraid I will lose my job for oldness….

  • I am at my last warning, have had a 2 day suspension. I work in an intensive care unit have for 26 years. And yes I am slwing down, 12 hour shifts are killing me. Things are happening to my body that stress is a big part of the cause. My errors were not ones that would have been an issue at an earlier time different peers and management combination. Manager even skipped a step in our warning steps,so wnen it was notice tbat there was some charting not done I was done in. Very unsuportive unit

  • I have been a nurse since 1986. Throughout my career I have worked with older nurses 65+ who possess knowledge and wisdom those younger nurses need envy and hope that they will one day possess. The body may not be as strong but the ability to react to situations that they have been in multiple times is without flaw. It is unfortunate that so many nurses are in a situation that they must work past retirement age because of the lack of adequate retirement plans. Kudos to nurses, who continue thei

  • I have been nursing for over 40 years in acute care settings. I’m in my early 60s but know I am slowing down. In my employment I am bedside but also train new nurses in the system. I would like to think I will go on forever but am beginning to feel more tired after a 12 hour shift and it sometimes takes me longer to do what I used to do with ease. I would like to think I will go on forever but reality is I need to be aware of my limitations and know when I need to move on.

  • I am very happy to see this article as I see this as a major nursing issue. We would all like to think that we, ourselves, will make good judgments about our capabilities and identify the right time to retire or to switch to a job more suitable for our abilities. But sadly, some people don’t make those transitions without a “push” from their employer. Those situations are painful for all involved. We need to be talking about this and developing some standards, guidelines, etc.

  • My critical thinking skills are not dimenished. My physical skills are good but slow. I just can’t stand up to 12 hours in a busy Trauma 4 facility. But my brain is still good. They have me working on a computer now and refused to accept my resignation. I learned that I am still a nurse and can do nursing even if I am not starting IV’s etc.

  • After 29 years of bedside nursing at teh same hospital I was let got–I’d been warned that it was coming too. I was 58 years old and thought I would have a tough time finding another nursing job. Boy was I wrong. Within 2 weeks I had my pick of 5 great jobs. I was told that “a nurse with your experience and resume doesn’t come along very often”. I have a fabulous job that I love in outpatient cardiac testing that I could do until I’m 80. Life is good for this old gal

    • About how much can one earn as doing what you do, i am thinking for the future cause my job makes no accomodations for rest periods ,or a decent chair what so ever.Some of the older and younger are really feeling the exhaustion of a 12 hour shift without a decent room or place to get away on breaks.

    April 13, 2011 11:00 pm

    I am 50 and have been seeking a job for nearly a year. I feel as if I have been put out to pasture. I am too young to retire and desperately need the income. Nursing is all I know. It is my chosen profession for a reason. I feel saddened and frightened that I am college educated but seemingly destined for need of government services to live.

  • At 68 I think about hanging up my stethoscope. But not yet. I work 32 hours a week in a Magnet hospital private oncology practice. The manager & clinical director hired me at 66 and made changes in the RN,OCN position to accomodate my electronic charting limitations & utilize 27 years oncology experience through VAD blood draws, chemo teaching & symptom management. They recently agreed to my job-sharing the 32 hours. The young staff & I support one another. Good to be valued as a seasoned nurse!

  • I turned 49 last year and had the third winter of Adult Family Leave. It ultimately lead to my being let go (separation agreement) with severence from my nursing case manager job. (I was no given a work place alternative job). I have spondlytic arthritis (AS) since age 28. I graduated from nursing school at age 38 as a second career. Now, I’ve been unemployed for a year. The arthritis is somewhat limiting and no interviewer wants to hire me. Is this ageism I think to myself or what?

  • I’m in my mid 40s and just graduated RN/BSN May 2010. After many yrs of working f/t and going to school weeknights and weekends, I’m wondering if I’ll ever get the chance to work in a hospital RN job. Shortage of jobs for new grads aside, I DO have to wonder how much my age factors in to even being considered for a job. It’s really sad too because I have a lot to give…

  • At the young age of 51 I was looking for employment in a new location, relating to my husband’s transfer for work. At the first hospital, the nurse interviewing me noted that she was no longer able to work in Med-surg. I noted I had just finished working a step down Cardiac unit in my former location. The second hospital noted the various skills and types of work I had done and hired me immediately. I have come to look with suspicion upon those who only look at birthdates. I have skills to share

  • I am in by 60’s and hope to work as long as my health allows. But I know that I can no longer take care of 5-7 patients, run up and down the floor, and keep up with the charting for 3-4 12hr days without noticing the difficulty. I went back to school, and hope to teach. I changed jobs to one that has less physical demands but relies on my ability to assess patients conditions. Barbara Dossey told me last summer that we all will probably still be working in the healing cause well into our 80’s.

  • I am 60–looking at my coworkers & the burn out at the end of 12 hours, little appreciation or accomodation to retain with better scheduling (ie 8hour options) & the dilema of the love of work & the demands of the job, new technology & retirement at 67??

  • To Young To Retire
    February 16, 2011 1:22 am

    First of all my retirement age has been moved up to 67 by the government, so they have made it harder to retire while you still have what it takes to work.
    Second of all where I work will not let you cut down to anything less then 7 day pay period working 8hr shifts. unless you go part time less then a 6 day pay period then they do not have to pay benifits.
    And they do not help you find another job in the system even if you have been there 30 years. They fill jobs with younger nurses.

  • I’m over 60 and looking for a job. Employers are not supposed to ask age related questions (other than if you’re over 18) but they routinely ask to see your driver’s license ostensibly to see if you’re legal to work in the US, but it’s really a ploy to get your age and reject you — without proof that they turned you down because of age.

  • 65 and seeking
    February 15, 2011 3:44 am

    We do need this conversation! As an older nurse, I have self-selected which jobs I am capable of performing safely – which is something every nurse needs to do, based on her scope of practice, skills, and knowledge, anyway. But employers and younger nurses also should beware of ageism – “speed, agility, or quick thinking” are more characteristic of youth but not necessarily competency. You can speedily quick-think yourself to a wrong assessment, and do the wrong thing with much agility.

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