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Why go back for a baccalaureate degree?


If you’re a diploma or associate-degree nurse, you’ve probably asked yourself the question: Should I go back to school for my baccalaureate degree?

The answer depends, in part, on your goals: Where do you want to be in 5 years? In 10 years? Will a baccalaureate degree be helpful—or even necessary—to achieve your goals?

If you love what you’re doing and don’t anticipate that you’ll need a baccalaureate degree to continue doing it, there’s no reason to go back to school. You should, however, keep an eye on trends, so you’ll know if a mandate for a baccalaureate degree is coming toward you. If you plan to become a nurse manager, educator, or specialist, you’ll need a BSN degree as a stepping stone to your new career. For almost everyone else facing the question, the answer isn’t as clear.

For a recent research project, we interviewed 11 experienced nurses who decided to return to school for their baccalaureate degrees. We wanted to know why they made the decision and what impact it had on them and their practices. If you’re on the fence about your future, consider what these nurses had to say. (See Should you pursue a baccalaureate degree?)

Why go to school?

The reasons for pursuing a baccalaureate degree were varied. Some of our participants said the timing was right: Their children were older, and the nurses began to think of the immediate future as time for themselves. Others said they often took continuing-education classes and did self-studies because they enjoyed learning. For them, going to college was a natural progression.

Many of the 11 nurses saw obtaining a baccalaureate degree as a way to better themselves. “It helped my self-esteem,” many said. One nurse expressed this sentiment by saying, “I felt it was a chance to see if I had many brain cells left.”

Of course, some nurses wanted to become clinical specialists or educators, and obtaining a baccalaureate degree was the first step. Others thought that the degree would enable them to continue in nursing. “I probably have another 15 years to work,” said one nurse, “and because nursing is hard physical work, I want to have other options in my profession.”

Some pursued a degree because they see themselves as role models. “I think I’ve helped a lot of women,” noted one participant when speaking of her peers. “People come to me like I am the elder of the floor.” She and others found that pursuing their degrees was a powerful way to set an example for younger nurses. However, acceptance wasn’t universal. One nurse said, “I learned right away that certain people did not want to talk to me about school, and they didn’t want me to talk to them about it, either.”

Nurses who are parents found that returning to school sent their children a strong message about perseverance and goal achievement. We were touched by the story of one nurse who told us that she and her son have attention deficit disorder. “I went back to school to show my son that the diagnosis doesn’t mean anything, to show him that he can do whatever he sets his mind to.”

What does the degree mean?

“I think it means that I still have the ability to grow, to learn, and to move forward,” said one nurse. Another commented, “I feel pride. I’ve accomplished something for myself and for my profession.”

Other nurses noted that they had developed more confidence, better abilities to handle conflict and resolve problems, and better leadership skills. Nearly all of our participants agreed that their studies had improved how they handle change in their practice. One nurse said, “Nobody likes change.” But she went on to explain how her education helped her understand the need for change when research proves there are better, safer ways of doing things. As she said, “I have changed how I view change!”

Does a degree improve nursing practice?

All the participants believed they were good nurses before they decided to pursue a baccalaureate degree, but they agreed that the advanced education made them better nurses. One summed up the general feeling: “I think that before, if a situation arose, I would take the avenue I already knew. Now that I’ve been exposed to research, holistic nursing, and community nursing, I view things from a different perspective. I take all things into consideration. I feel as though I have a better handle on the patient’s needs.”

Nurses told us that they were surprised at how important it had become to them to integrate nursing theories and evidence-based practice into their daily activities. They also found that they honed their critical-thinking skills and now apply them to each patient-care situation. These realizations have led to another benefit: renewed enthusiasm for their profession. As one nurse remarked, “Putting a new perspective on things helped me refocus on why I went into nursing.”

All our participants were pleased with their decisions to obtain a degree. They believe that their education has helped make them better nurses, and current research supports their belief. So what about you? Should you go back to school? When you weigh the pros and cons, remember to do what best serves you, your loved ones, and your patients.

Selected references

Aiken LH, Clarke SP, Cheung RB, Sloane DM, Silber JH. Educational levels of hospital nurses and surgical patient mortality. JAMA. 2003;

Osterman PL, Asselin ME, Cullen HA. Returning for a baccalaureate: a descriptive exploratory study of nurses’ perceptions. J Nurses Staff Dev. In press.

H. Allethaire Cullen is an assistant professor in the Department of Nursing at Community College of Rhode Island in Warwick. Marilyn E. Asselin is an assistant professor in the Adult and Child Nursing Department at the College of Nursing at the University of Massachusetts in North Dartmouth.


  • Leandra Stanley
    October 20, 2020 10:59 am

    Personally, there were many factors influencing me to return to school for my BSN. I played with the idea of returning to school for the past two years but never followed through until now. I have always enjoyed home health and being able to climb the ladder to become a clinical manger was a personal goal. I believe that continuing my education will help me succeed in this position and continue to become a better leader. My children were the second factor that influenced me to return to school. I wanted them to see that continuing your education can be beneficial to your career and continue to be a positive role model for them. Not only that but to also show them hard work pays off and if you set goals in life nothing can stop them but themselves.

  • Completing my BSN will ultimately help me achieve my goal to eventually teach nursing. I fell in love with nursing at a young, tender age of 18 after I had the opportunity to live with and care for my dying Grandmother. Watching her suffer with acute myelocytic leukemia was devastating, but she left a lasting impression when her very last words to me were, “Britney, you have the calling to be a nurse, do not let anything stop you from achieving your goal. “After she passed, I headed down to Florida and started my first year in nursing school. Unfortunately; after only one year, I had to come home and attend a local technical school, and I received a diploma as a licensed practical nurse. I didn’t let this set me back, and worked hard without complaining. The facility I worked for took notice and gave me the opportunity to oversee the in- servicing of all the employees. After mastering in-servicing, I was able to become a CNA instructor and TB instructor, as well as an Infection Control Coordinator. These achievements led to even more, and one day I — as an LPN — became the ADON of that facility. The Lord provided me with the opportunity I had to excel just as an LPN. I made a promise to myself that one day I would achieve my goal of becoming a registered nurse with a BSN. Today, with this very first post, I am one step closer in the right direction.

  • I decided to go back to school for several reasons, one is to expand my knowledge in nursing area. I have been working as an ASN- RN for a year and I feel like in real world I need more leadership training in order to handle the situation while I am facing with LPNs and CNAs. Secondly, the high diploma may give me more opportunity in a long run. Third, I am a teenager’s mom who is 18 years now, which gives me more time that i can focus on study and work. I am very grateful so far.

  • Hunter-Sue Briann Bowen
    August 28, 2020 10:47 am

    Why have I returned to school? Personally, I seen this as a chance for growth. I am still undecided about the future I will have in nursing. I have had thoughts of pursuing my master’s degree or teaching. Overall, I know I need more experience in nursing before making this decision as this is only my first year with my associates. My focus now is on growing as a nurse, gaining experience and knowledge, and continuing my education. My bachelor’s degree will help me achieve all these goals.

    Financially, I have been blessed with the opportunity to pursue my education by winning a scholarship. Otherwise I would have had to delay this experience. Through this blessing I know this is the path God has chosen for me. As covered in our scripture this week “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11)

    With regards to financial growth and promotion opportunities following obtaining my bachelors I am unsure. I know this will open many doors for me as a nurse. Although as I am undecided about the future currently and focusing on growth within myself and as a nurse. Only God know where this will take me in the future.

  • Crystal Tinch
    August 31, 2019 11:33 am

    Going to school for my bachelors was never really a decision, it was just a goal I have had since I was a small child. No one in my family had ever went to college, so I knew from early on that I wanted to break that cycle. Coming from the lifestyle my parents chose to have, I always knew I wanted better for myself, my children, and my family. I may have done things a bit backwards by having children first, going to school in increments, but here I am. Receiving my bachelors is only a stepping stone for me. In the end, my goal is my master’s degree. The hope is, of course, advancement in my career now, but the end game has always been my master’s. Good luck to all!

  • Why did I decide to go back to school? I decided to go back to school for several different reasons, Different job opportunities, more money, a stepping stone to achieving my goals, However, the main reason I decided to go back to school was when I first decided I wanted to be a nurse was when my son was diagnosed with autism, being a young mother I did not have a clue about autism, or even what it meant. I would sit in the doctors’ offices and listen to them tell me things my beautiful child would never accomplish, and deep inside I was screaming not my child, so I decided to be the best mommy I could be for him, I needed to educate myself. In doing this I quickly realized it was going to be a stepping stone process. After completing the LPN program, I went to work in a mental health institute and quickly realized there was so much more to mental health, and I wanted to learn more about the actual disease process, I again took the next step, and completed the RN program. Needing now to fully concentrate on working with all my children to get them all through high school, I have decided it is once again time to take the next step, that is to complete the BSN program, but this too is just a stepping stone, my overall goal is to teach, I want to teach mental health I want to be the voice of when others are saying your child can’t to have someone in your corner saying there is a way, lets figure it out. So to answer the question, my reason for going back to school, well he calls me mama every day.

  • Gillian Baker
    August 28, 2019 4:04 pm

    I decided to pursue my bachelors degree right after graduating from an associate-degree because I figured this would be the perfect time to do it. I have no children and still live at home so there isn’t much I need to worry about and can focus on school and work. I would eventually like to become a certified midwife so a bachelors degree is necessary for my career goals.

  • Angela Brooks
    August 26, 2019 10:37 pm

    I have longed to pursue my bachelors degree since I graduated nursing school. I love learning and I love the healthcare field. Life events have prevented me from going back for my degree but now I feel the time is right. By obtaining my bachelors degree, I feel I will be more knowledgeable and better equipped to make day to day decisions at work and benefit my patients.

  • Going back to school has been a thought in the recesses of my mind. After receiving my nursing degree from Walters State, I worked ,worked and then worked even more. Now life has slowed down , my granddaughter is in college, I’m working three days a week , now is the time to pursue my dream of a bachelors degree.

  • I decided to pursue my bachelors for myself. My family has achieved this goal and I wanted to as well. I have been a nurse for many years. I am currently a nurse manager. this degree will not earn me anymore money. it will allow me to teach. I have considered teaching as a part-time profession for the simple fact that I enjoy teaching. there’s always information to learn and share. I will take pride in receiving my bachelor degree. so many obstacles have stopped me in the past. I am looking forward to receiving what I’ve desired for many years.

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