
When RNs Advocate for LPNs, Nursing as a Profession Wins

By: NaKia N. Bradley, LPN

In the intricate healthcare web, the collaboration between Registered Nurses (RNs) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) is a pivotal cornerstone. Advocacy from RNs for their LPN counterparts not only fosters a supportive work environment but also elevates the nursing profession as a whole. This collaborative relationship is not just about teamwork; it’s about recognizing the unique contributions of each role and amplifying the impact through mutual support.

LPNs are an essential part of the nursing workforce, providing skilled and compassionate care to patients in various settings. However, they often face unique challenges and barriers in their professional advancement and workplace treatment. We must consider their value and ensure their contributions are appropriately acknowledged and supported.

One significant aspect that demands attention is the prevalent disparity in recognition and opportunities between LPNs and other nursing professionals. While Registered Nurses (RNs) and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) are the priority for career development and educational support, LPNs can be overlooked and undervalued. This inequity not only affects the morale and professional growth of LPNs but also has repercussions for patient care and overall healthcare quality.

Furthermore, advocating for LPNs goes beyond the confines of the workplace. It extends to policy and regulation, ensuring that LPNs have the resources, opportunities, and professional recognition they deserve. RNs advocating for fair compensation, career advancement opportunities, and educational support for LPNs not only strengthens the nursing workforce but also serves as a testament to the profession’s unity and collective advancement.

Embracing the advocacy role, RNs can actively contribute to the professional development of LPNs. These contributions include mentoring, sharing knowledge, providing guidance, empowering LPNs to enhance their skills, and contributing meaningfully to patient care continuously. Through this collaborative approach, the entire nursing team becomes more resilient, adaptable, and proficient in addressing the dynamic challenges of modern healthcare.

The positive impact of RN advocacy for LPNs reverberates throughout the healthcare ecosystem. By fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, positive patient outcomes increase and contribute to the overall quality of care. In turn, it bolsters the reputation of the nursing profession, attracting more individuals to pursue careers in nursing and thus addressing the ongoing global nursing shortage.

In conclusion, when RNs advocate for LPNs, nursing becomes more robust and unified. By recognizing, supporting, and empowering LPNs, RNs not only foster a culture of collaboration and respect but also contribute to the advancement and elevation of the nursing profession as a whole. This advocacy is a testament to the enduring spirit of camaraderie and mutual support within the nursing community, ultimately benefiting patients, healthcare institutions, and the profession.

Content of this article has been developed in collaboration with the referenced State Nursing Association.

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