
How a Sustainable Workforce Management Approach Helps Navigate Crisis

Although the COVID-19 pandemic is top of mind, there will always be a crisis that affects the nursing workforce, whether it’s a natural disaster, a strike, or something else. Health systems need to be ready to deliver high-quality patient care, contain costs, and protect and support their staff during times…

Going the Distance: How technology will change your education

Nurses are the backbone and frontline of healthcare delivery in the U.S. This has been acutely underscored by the COVID pandemic. Among the pandemic’s many disruptions has been the closing of the physical campuses of virtually all of the nation’s nursing schools. Many of these nursing schools have now migrated…

Making Workforce Data Management a Priority

We will present a 1-hour webinar highlighting the importance of patient-centered, data-driven workforce management in healthcare settings. Topics covered will include: Why you need to manage workforce data How we successfully implemented patient-centered, data-driven workforce management Having the business case conversation for workforce management

CNO/CFO Partnership Achieves Successful Patient-Centered Staffing

Patient-centered staffing isn’t a luxury — it’s essential to the financial health of an organization. In this fast-paced webinar, a chief nursing officer and chief financial officer describe how they worked with a cross-functional team to implement patient-centered staffing, which led to more than $3 million in workforce savings in…

Be a VTE prevention champion: Successful strategies for driving down VTE

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is the number-one cause of preventable death in hospitalized patients, yet prevention opportunities are too often missed. During this fast paced, 30-minute webinar, an expert panel will discuss successful strategies, including a multidisciplinary protocol and compression techniques, for driving down VTE rates. Nurses are on the frontline…

Technology’s role in helping to reduce healthcare-associated infections

Healthcare-acquired infections (HAIs) remain a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States. Much time has been dedicated to creating protocols and procedures to reduce infection, but the role of technology is sometimes overlooked. Technology can decrease the risk of HAIs, but, paradoxically, can also contribute to them…

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