Approximately 10% of newborns need help to begin breathing and 1% need intensive resuscitative measures. Their inability to establish and sustain adequate or spontaneous respiration can lead to adverse neurodevelopment — or even death.
Join us as this distinguished panel of neonatal nurse experts provide essential clinical care guidance from the new American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care.
Benefit from their insights, best practices, and anticipatory guidance on how effective risk assessment prior to birth decreases mortality and morbidity, the role of human and systems performance in guideline adherence, and the AHA guidelines’ top 10 takeaways for neonatal life support.
You’ll leave with fresh insights on what specific training, changes in protocols, and new technologies are essential to improve frontline caregivers’ situational awareness and bolster the clinical confidence required in the resuscitation moment.