
Beer potomania and hyponatremia

Beer potomania is an unusual syndrome of severe hyponatremia associated with excessive beer ingestion in the presence of alcohol use disorder and malnutrition.

Bonding over body image

For many college students, the ever-present pressure to be thin has trumped the goal of being healthy. Females face body-image issues throughout their life­span. Our society glorifies thinness.…

Boost your mood with food

Traditionally, dietary research focused large­ly on physical health, producing well-documented findings about how what we eat impacts our cardiovascular system, weight, and activity levels. In more recent years,…
Examing nurse comfort eating

Eating better to help manage chronic stress

Like many nurses, you may experience stress frequently, both on and off the job. Chronic stress can alter your equilibrium (homeostasis), activating physiologic reactive pathways that cause your…
promoting nursing student health

Faculty role in promoting nursing student health

Nurses have a primary responsibility to promote health in the United States. In this capacity, they serve as role models, educators, and care providers. In 2017, the American…

Food is medicine

Nurses address social determinants of health on Chicago’s West Side. (more…)

Gut microbiome and health

Some researchers describe the bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and other microbes in our digestive system (the gut microbiome) as the newest discovered body organ. Each person’s balance and mix…
healthy food

Healthy food trends

The American Nurses Association (ANA) defines a healthy nurse as one who actively focuses on creating and maintaining a balance and synergy of physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual,…

High consumption of trans fat diminishes memory

A study presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2014 found that high trans fat consumption is linked to worse memory among working-age men. Read more.

I have diabetes. How do I live with it?

As a nurse for 36 years, I’ve always enjoyed caring for patients with diabetes. But for many of them, this disease isn’t their only health problem. Many also…

IOM report recommends new nutrition rating system

An Institute of Medicine report (IOM) recommends that federal agencies develop a new front-of-package nutrition rating system that graphically tells calorie counts by service size and a “point”…

Living a healthy lifestyle

As nurses, we know how to check blood pressure, administer medications, and counsel patients about healthy living. But let’s face it—some of us don’t practice what we preach.…

Nursing, night shift, and nutrition

Working night shift interferes with circadian rhythms and biological functions that are associated with health problems. Altered circadian rhythms and sleep-wake cycles lead to changes in eating patterns…
Nutrition for night-shift nurses

Nutrition for night-shift nurses

Pam has worked the night shift for more than 30 years. Over the last 3 years, she has lost 100 lb—and kept it off. She describes the challenging…

Patient Nutrition

Do you routinely talk to patient’s about nutrition and their health? Please click here to participate in a very short survey about nurses and patient nutrition.
physical wellness energy ant

Physical wellness: A must for sustained energy

Nurses are tireless advocates when promoting physical health and well-being for our patients. Yet, in a recent study of 1,790 nurses across the United States published in the…

RDA for vitamin D may be too low

According to researchers, the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin D, from the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine, is underestimated by a factor of 10. Read…
recover energy balance reduce stress ant

Recover energy, find balance, and reduce stress

By Chris Jordan, MS, CSCS, NSCA-CPT, ACSM EP-C/APT An axiom of the healthcare world is that the better care health providers give to themselves, the better care they…

Ultra-processed food may affect health while aging

A recent study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition examines the effects of consuming ultra-processed foods (UPF) and telomere length, which is a “marker of biological…

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Test Your Knowledge

A 27-year-old develops severe right shoulder pain and fatigue one hour after completing a 40-foot ocean dive. Which of the following is a most likely cause of these symptoms?