
What is civility

Civility starts with you

Over the last decade, civility has become a hot topic. I got involved with it in 2000, when more than 700 nurses told the Maryland Commission on the…
Cognitive rehearsal

Cognitive rehearsal

Unprofessional behavior within healthcare organizations, in the form of incivility and bullying, adds more stress to an already stressful environment and also jeopardizes patient safety. Too often, nurses…

Keeping nurses healthy, safe, and well

To keep patients healthy, safe, and well, registered nurses (RNs) have to be healthy, safe, and well themselves. Yet RNs face health, safety, and wellness risks unique to…
nurse incivility

Nurse manager role in incivility

Supportive nurse mangers reduce the incidence of coworker incivility, according to a study in the Journal of Nursing Management. (more…)
what if youre the bully

What if you’re the bully?

 Self-awareness and honest feedback can help you make a change. Takeaways: Bullying and incivility are prevalent in the nursing profession, so we each need to determine if and…

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Test Your Knowledge

A 27-year-old develops severe right shoulder pain and fatigue one hour after completing a 40-foot ocean dive. Which of the following is a most likely cause of these symptoms?