health technology


5 benefits of digital care management

A typical encounter within the healthcare system can be overwhelming and complicated, depending on the patient’s health condition. For example, imagine a patient with a cancer diagnosis, declining…

Computer algorithm can predict septic shock

Targeted real-time early warning score (TREWScore), a computer-based algorithm, correctly predicts septic shock in 85% of cases, with a lead-time of more than 24 hours according to a…

Detecting cardiac injury with telemetry

With multi-lead telemetry monitoring, a nurse detects dangerous changes in her patient’s heart rhythm, permitting quick action before an acute MI does permanent damage.

Easing the way for the electronic health record

Pressure is building to develop a national electronic health record – and the nursing profession is playing a pivotal role in developing the standards needed to support it.

ECRI announces top technology hazards for 2015

The ECRI Institute has announced its Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2015, which include alarm hazards, mix-up of IV lines, lack of data integrity, and inadequate reprocessing…

ECRI names top 10 health technology hazards for 2012

ECRI Institute’s top 10 health technology hazards for 2012 include alarm hazards, medication errors when using infusion pumps, enteral feeding misconnections, and cross-contamination from flexible endoscopes. Access the…

ECRI releases top 10 health technology hazards for 2011

ECRI Institute has released its Top 10 Lists of Health Technology Hazards for 2011: radiation therapy dose errors, alarm hazards, cross-contamination from flexible endoscopes, high radiation dose of…

Headlines from the Hill

Nurses need to promote ANA’s health system reform principles and recommendations.

Issues up close

For many nurses today, the workplace may feel like uncharted territory. New technologies, bold advances in health care, and a growing urgency to collaborate and innovate are changing…

New report reaffirms old concerns

In a new report, The National Toxicology Program (NTP) expressed ”serious concern” that diethylhexyl-phthalate (DEHP), a chemical used in medical devices, may affect male reproductive tract development and…

No peeking allowed

Electronic health records give healthcare providers faster, more efficient access to patient information. Experts hope to make the data less vulnerable to security breaches.

Sacred cow round-up

Evidence-based nursing practice obliges us to embrace innovation and let go of our sacred cows.

Stranger than we can think

“When the unthinkable becomes thinkable, it moves rapidly from the realms of impossibility to probability.” Carolina Louise Zurlage, 1993 If we were living in 1900 instead of 2010,…
cpr family friend note

Take Note – February 2007

Low-carb diets don’t affect cardiac risk Although diets low in carbohydrates and high in fats and proteins have been popular for the last few years, some experts have…

Technology: The great enabler

Where would you be without a “smart” phone to manage your life? We’ve adapted to noxious ring tones; how have we adapted to technology in nursing?

What HIT means to healthcare professionals

When it comes to health information technology (HIT), every nurses has a stake in—and a piece of—the action. Let’s figure out how to make HIT work for, not…

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Test Your Knowledge

A 27-year-old develops severe right shoulder pain and fatigue one hour after completing a 40-foot ocean dive. Which of the following is a most likely cause of these symptoms?