Evidence-based practice

A leader’s guide to implementing evidence-based practice

NURSE LEADERS, managers, directors, and chief nursing officers have considerable influence on the implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP) in their units, departments, and organizations. However, resistance to change…

A matter of I.V. push drug safety

Experts weigh in on what nurses need to know New evidence raises concerns about how nurses are preparing and administering I.V. push medications. A 2018 survey published by…

Calculating and interpreting the odds ratio

Researchers use the odds ratio to analyze which of two groups of individuals is more likely to have an adverse outcome. Find out how to calculate the odds…

Cesarean birth reduction: EBP in action

Cesarean births (or cesarean deliveries) are associated with increased morbidity and mortality, as well as longer hospital stays and higher costs. Women experiencing their first pregnancy have a…
poster presentation

Creating a compelling poster

One of the most fulfilling aspects of successfully implementing a project or conducting research is dissemination, including poster presentations. When presented effectively, post­ers can convey key information to…

Creating an environment of falls prevention

Falls are a major concern for older adults in all settings, causing significant morbidity and mortality and affecting quality of life. In the hospital, falls occur at an…

Evidence-based practices for osteoarthritis management

Osteoarthritis is a chronic disorder of the joints that is painful, prevalent, costly, and a leading cause of disability.· Management of osteoarthritis is multifaceted and includes nonpharmacologic, pharmacologic,…

Evidence-based update on chest tube management

CHEST thoracotomy tubes (CTTs) have been around for centuries, but not until the late 1950s did they become standard of care for treating empyema, pneumothorax, hemothorax, hemopneumothorax, and…

Health at every size

Although the importance of evidence-based practice cannot be denied, traditional weight loss programs (TWLPs) have continued to be used despite decades of data discrediting their value. In response…

Health, safety, & wellness

In an era of healthcare reform, organizations are beginning to implement interprofessional team-based care as a strategy to deliver high-quality care more effectively and efficiently. In 2011, the…

Healthcare professionals’ implementation of EBP lagging

Although healthcare professionals’ self‐reported evidence-based practice (EBP) knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs are at a moderate to high level, this doesn’t translate into EBP implementation, according to a…

How reliable is your bedside shift report?

A large healthcare system shares its model for success. Takeaways:  Traditional bedside shift reporting may not focus on specific patient safety prevention methods.  An enhanced assessment can include…

Implementing evidence-based practice in long-term care

Long-term care (LTC) facilities are faced with many care hurdles, including a growing geriatric population, complexities associated with chronic conditions, and an insufficient workforce. Evidence-based practices (EBPs) facilitated…
future nursing present

Nursing – today and beyond

Nursing is in the midst of revolutionary changes. How are these changes affecting the profession today—and how are they likely to affect it in the future? For the…

Pick up some research to go!

Find out how to grab the latest research on the run, decide of the findings are ready to use in practice, and plan practice changes accordingly.

Pressure injury prevention in long-term care

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services report that pressure injuries (PIs) affect millions of patients each year, with incidence rates ranging from 2.2% to 23.9% in long-term…

Revision of Iowa Model

The Iowa Model used for implementing evidence-based practice has been revised, according to a report in Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing. Read more 
Evidence Based practice

Stop the slide

Drifting back to old practices endangers the profession.  Before COVID-19, healthcare and nursing performance were moving in the right direction. Turnover was slowing, healthy work environments were becoming…

Strategies for time-sensitive medications

Timely administration of time-sensitive medications (within 30 minutes before or after the scheduled dose) can help prevent complications and prolonged hospitalizations. Some nurses feel that the 30-minute rule…

Teach-back: An underutilized tool

In an effort to encourage nurses to use the teach-back method when educating patients, we conducted a literature review on the topic of patient education and health literacy,…

Wound care: Five evidence-based practices

Nurses, physical therapists, physicians, and surgeons perform wound care in almost every care setting; however, evidence-based practices continue to elude many healthcare providers. Five key considerations—clean vs. sterile…

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Test Your Knowledge

A 27-year-old develops severe right shoulder pain and fatigue one hour after completing a 40-foot ocean dive. Which of the following is a most likely cause of these symptoms?