This special report was funded by an unrestricted educational grant from Posey. Content of this supplement was developed independently of the sponsor and all articles have undergone peer review according to American Nurse Today standards.
We’ve made gains in preventing falls, but more work remains
By Patricia Quigley
It takes an interdisciplinary team to prevent patient falls in healthcare settings.
Assessing your patients’ risk for falling
By Beverly Lunsford, Laurie Dodge Wilson, and Evelyn Diop
The authors explain how falls are classified and how to screen and assess patients for risk of falling.
Taking appropriate precautions against falls
By Patricia Quigley
Learn how to reduce the risk of accidental and anticipated physiologic falls and how to protect patients from injuries caused by a fall.
Creating an environment of falls prevention
By Sharon Stahl Wexler and Catherine O’Neill D’Amico
A systemic approach integrates falls prevention into an organizational culture of evidence-based practice
Preventing injuries from patient falls
By Amy L. Hester
Special flooring, low-low beds, hip protectors, helmets, and protective caps can help prevent injury in patients who fall. Find out when and how to use these resources.
Falls prevention roadmap
Use the fall-prevention facts and tips in this infographic as resources to share with patients and colleagues.