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Below are recent articles from
Oklahoma Nurse, the official publication of the Oklahoma Nurses Association.

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Surgical Smoke Dangers in the OR

OR nursing is a high-pressure, high-reward profession. It involves holding your patient’s hand and providing comfort as they fall into a drug-induced sleep before intubation. It’s about quickly anticipating the…

How Fresh Perspectives Drive Healthcare 

Entering the nursing profession is both an exciting and challenging journey. As a new nurse, you’re not only tasked with providing quality patient care but also with integrating into a…

ONA Leadership Column: The Next Level

What is it going to take to raise the leadership ability of your staff to the next level? One of the many roles you play for your staff is encouraging…

The Power of Nurses

Jane Nelson, CAE, Chief Executive Officer This year, we are focusing on the incredible power of nurses, and the vital role storytelling plays in advocacy. Sharing your lived experiences is…

Surgical Smoke Dangers in the OR

OR nursing is a high-pressure, high-reward profession. It involves holding your patient’s hand and providing comfort as they fall into a drug-induced…

The Power of Nurses

Jane Nelson, CAE, Chief Executive Officer This year, we are focusing on the incredible power of nurses, and the vital role storytelling…

Articles From American Nurse that you may be interested in

Women and HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis

Why are new HIV cases still occurring when we have preventive treatment? One reason could be a lack of knowledge and experience among healthcare professionals to discuss, prescribe, and manage PrEP for vulnerable patients. Lack of information and discomfort with prescribing PrEP remain ongoing issues among healthcare professionals in the United States. Healthcare professionals should know how to identify appropriate candidates for PrEP, provide general education, and prescribe necessary preventive treatment.

Empathy in ostomy care

Empathy relies on understanding an experience from another’s perspective. A simulated learning activity such as wearing an ostomy bag for a day, in combination with reflective writing in preparation for debriefing, provides an opportunity for developing empathy, which is linked to improved patient experiences and outcomes.

Nurse leader rounds plus

Patients’ perceptions of their care may not correlate to the actual quality of care given but rather their beliefs about what they perceive as quality care. Nurse leaders must address the patient experience with approaches that impact multiple goals simultaneously. One such approach involves nurse leader rounds, or what we call “nurse leader rounds plus.” This underutilized initiative can improve the patient experience, enhance the culture of safety, and increase staff engagement.

Nurses’ role in skin cancer prevention

Skin cancer has reached epidemic proportions—one in five Americans will develop some form by age 70. Nurses have an opportunity to make a significant contribution to skin cancer education and screening. These authors conducted a study to evaluate nurses’ understanding of skin cancer and sun-protective behaviors as well as their skill and comfort with patient screening and education.

How to balance a bed shortage

Bed shortages remain a concern in hospitals across the country. For example, since the COVID-19 pandemic, most of Washington’s larger hospitals and…

Acute dystonic reaction

Acute dystonic reactions, movement disturban­ces, fall under the umbrella of extrapyramidal side effects. They’re associated with medications (including antipsychotics and antiemetics) that…

Nurse Resource Center

Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline

The Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline Can
Help Your Patients Quit
Encourage your patients to call 1-800-QUIT NOW

Family Children’s Services

The Family & Children’s Services 24/7 Crisis Care Center is
NOW HIRING nurses and offering competitive pay and benefits.
REDISCOVER your why with a nursing career in mental health.