Jeri Milstead Policy Symposium 2024
The second annual Jeri Milstead Policy Symposium, held on Friday, September 27, 2024, was an inspiring event for all who participated. Participants enjoyed a day immersed in policy issues that impact nursing and listening to innovative models being implemented and evaluated across Ohio and the country.
The robust lineup of speakers yielded thought-provoking presentations and discussion for participant consideration. Debi Sampsel, DNP, MSN, RN, Manish Kumar, PhD, and Luke Busse PhD addressed the future of Telehealth providing a demonstration of how drones can be utilized to deliver medications and telehealth. Nurse entrepreneur Kimberly Gordon, DNP, CRNA, from Healing Politics reminded us about the many ways nurses can contribute to “Shaping Policy to Shape Nursing’s Future.” A few key topics included how to run for an elected office and how to support nurses who choose to run for elected office. Her impromptu assessment of participants revealed that ANA-Ohio members are enthusiastically engaged in policy-related activities at a higher rate than other groups to whom she has spoken.
Keynote Speaker Sue Johnson, PhD, RN, NPD-BC, NE-BC, FAAN, who serves on the Commission on Nurse Reimbursement, guided participants in thinking about “Creating a Sustainable Future for Nursing.” Her presentation focused on the work of the commission and highlighted the need to change the reimbursement structure for nursing and to collaborate with healthcare organizations to realize success. Dr. Johnson’s presentation was followed by a panel discussion on some exciting Innovative Models of Patient Centered Care Delivery in the community and within healthcare organizations. Panel speakers included:
- Melissa Cole, DNP, APRN, ANP-BC, CENP, John Carroll University & University Hospitals
- Lindsay McGuiness, MSN, BSN, RN, Dispatch Health
- Cleo Kum, PhD, RN, University of Cincinnati & Family Support Care, LLC
- Sue Johnson, PhD, RN, NPD-BC, NE-BC, FAAN, RN Innovations, LLC
The event culminated with a poster session that included 19 poster presentations from ANA-Ohio members, students, and other colleagues across Ohio. Participants enjoyed a lively discussion with the poster presenters on a diverse variety of topics affecting nursing now and in the future.
The day was filled with stimulating conversation, intriguing innovation, and invigorating networking opportunities for all present regardless of educational background or practice area. Participants were fully engaged in the discussions, continuing to exchange ideas with speakers and fellow nurses well into the evening. Participants were able to learn from the speakers as well as from each other, developing a camaraderie that some feel has been missing from nursing in recent years, and that will hopefully, be carried into the future.
ANA-Ohio’s Second Annual Meeting: Celebrate, COLLABORATE, Create 2024
On Saturday, September 28, 2024, the Second Annual Meeting of ANA-Ohio was held at the Marriott Northwest in Columbus, Ohio. The Annual Meeting was scheduled to occur in conjunction with the Jeri Milstead Policy Symposium to encourage members to attend both worthwhile events in one convenient location. The Annual ANA-Ohio Business Meeting was held in the morning, allowing members to hear about the structure, work, and accomplishments of each ANA-Ohio Committee and Special Interest Group (SIG). ANA-Ohio has grown over the past year, boasting two additional committees and three SIGs that we did not have last year. With respect to new committees, the Governance and Compliance Committee and the Professional Practice Committee have been added. Additionally, we now have SIGs that share the following common interests: a) Professional Legacy, b) Mentoring, and c) being a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN). Additional SIG groups will be formed as members coalesce around identified interests. A Nursing Faculty SIG will be forming in the very near future.
In looking through the Book of Reports, it was easy to see how far ANA-Ohio has come in the past year. The organization is now collaborating with a vast network of other organizations across Ohio and becoming recognized statewide, as well as nationally, as the voice of nurses in Ohio. Kaliah, Fisher-Grace, PhD, RN, CPHQ, PCCN-K, a member of the ANA Board of Directors and of ANA-Ohio shared that ANA-Ohio is the fastest-growing ANA State Nursing Organization in the country!!! Additionally, one state has chosen to follow our format for a statewide news journal for members.
Members were greeted by the President of the Ohio Board of Nursing, Erin Keels DNP, APRN-CNP. Additionally, recorded messages of greeting and encouragement were sent from Hailey Welly, President of the Ohio Student Nurses’ Association and Ethan Slocum, President of the National Student Nurses Association, who also attends a nursing program in Ohio. Members were treated to a verbal expansion on the Book of reports, which included introductions of committee members and future committee plans, from the various committee chairs who were open to questions and comments from the membership.
Table 1. ANA-Ohio Founding Members
The Business meeting included a review, discussion, and vote on proposed amendments to the ANA-Ohio Bylaws.
Article III, Section 1.a. The addition of a President Elect position and elimination of the First Vice President and Second Vice President positions, replacing with one Vice President position, on the Board of Directors. This amendment would modify the current structure so the officers of the board would be President, President Elect, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. This amendment DID NOT PASS. Consequently, all subsequent amendments related to the office of President Elect also did not pass.
Article III, Section 1.b. Two new Director positions were proposed as an addition to the Board of Directors. Both positions are designated for members who have completed their initial prelicensure nursing education program within 10 years of seeking a seat on the Board of Directors. After some debate and careful consideration of additional clarifying language, this amendment PASSED, along with all subsequent amendments on how and when such positions are to be elected (Article III, Section 5.a.2).
Article III, Section 3.f. This amendment would allow the Board of Directors to employ or contract with an Executive Director for the organization. The phrase “or contract with” was added to give the board flexibility in filling the Executive Director position. This amendment PASSED.
Article V. Sections 1 and 2. Adopting the amendment to this section would change the name of the Nominating Committee to the Nomination and Election Committee (NEC). It was proposed by the membership to change the name to the Committee on Nominations and Elections (CNE), rather than to NEC, to be consistent with Article III Section 6. This revised amendment PASSED resulting in the committee name change.
Article V. Section 4. This proposal was a new section of the bylaw that outlined the election process and the start of the elected term. This proposal was PASSED with a minor wording change in Section 4. b. to specify that the vote is by members voting electronically or in person.
Afternoon Activities
Following a working lunch, during which members learned a bit of the history of ANA-Ohio, the 30 founding members of the organization were recognized. These members are listed in Table 1 above. Susan Stocker, PhD, MSN. RN, FAAN, spoke to the members about what goes into creating a foundation, should the organization be ready to move in that direction. Raya Cupler, MPA, BSN, RN, NE-BC, shared exciting news about the October launch of an online store for the sale of ANA-Ohio merchandise.
The final session of the event focused on strategic planning activities. Members spent time working on moving ANA-Ohio forward. This was accomplished through tabletop discussions and group work which was intended to provide feedback to the Board of Directors regarding issues members feel the organization should address over the next 3 years. The general categories emerging from this discussion were:
Advance the standards of nursing practice and quality patient care.
Promote equity, diversity, and inclusion within ANA-Ohio and the nursing profession so all nurses are represented.
Be recognized as the voice of nursing profession by state and national policy and standard-setting bodies.
Enhance the operational foundations needed for the organizational effectiveness and efficiency or ANA-Ohio.
The activities of the event were well aligned with the theme, “Celebrate, COLLABORATE, Create.” Members, students, and guests celebrated the accomplishments of peers and recognized the achievements of the ANA-Ohio organization. Participants collaborated to generate ideas for policy and organizational initiatives and to explore new partnerships. The inspirational creativity and innovations of members and presenters were threaded throughout the event. Excitement and enthusiasm were palpable over these two days and set the stage for anticipation of future events as ANA-Ohio continues its evolution as a professional nursing association.