Featured Podcasts

Truth or Lies: Fighting Back Against Misinformation

Part 1 of a webinar series for nurses by nurses Objectives Define misinformation and disinformation in health care. Discuss the nurse’s role in stopping the spread of misinformation. Describe organizational roles and support systems essential to addressing misinformation. The spread of misinformation has a harmful health impact on personal and…

Journal Peer Review

In this podcast, Cheryl Mee MSN, MBA, RN, FAAN, Executive Editorial Director of the American Nurse Journal describes the value of peer in developing journal content, and how you can get started in becoming a peer reviewer for the journal. Cheryl L Mee, MSN, MBA, RN, FAAN Executive Editorial Director…

Writing for Publication in Nursing Journals

Identify roadblocks that stop potential nurse authors from submitting a manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed nursing journal. Outline strategies to help nursing authors overcome their fears and improve their writing. Identify steps in the writing and editorial process—from ideation to publication. Cheryl L Mee, MSN, MBA, RN, FAAN Executive…

Rethinking Nurse Staff Shortages

With the nurse shortage at crisis levels even before the pandemic hit, what are the flaws or shortcomings of conventional approaches to staffing that keep nurse leaders chronically in “firefighter mode”? While a great majority of healthcare organizations cite nurse retention as a key strategic imperative, only a little over…

The Great Barrier Take-down: Unblocking Your Path to an Advanced Nursing Degree

Learn the history and details behind the critical surge in the need for Advanced Practice RNs (APRNs) and particularly Family Nurse Practitioners (FNPs). We will explore all of the “why’s:” The existing and projected needs gap How APRNs and FNPs became documented as the most needed of the advanced nursing…

Unpacking Nursing Informatics: How One Career Path Can Expand Your Circle of Care

The critical need for experienced nurses in the field of informatics—particularly in the growing age of AI and IT influence on medicine and patient care. The complex field of Nursing Informatics is defined as taking “the clinical and the technical languages of health and translating them into one.” Nursing Informaticists…

Applying Technology to Patient Mobility and Skin

Clinical Nurse Consultant Carley Gardner shares research and evidence-based practices in patient mobility and pressure injury prevention. Participants will be introduced to early mobility concepts and rationale as well as the effects of early mobilization on improved skin outcomes, specifically focusing on bed and support surface technology integration. The webinar…