The work of the Organization of Nurse Leaders New Jersey (ONL NJ) through the Nursing Workplace Environment and Staffing Councils (NWESC) continues to improve workplace environments throughout 48 hospitals in New Jersey since formation and implementation in 2019. The ONL NJ recognized the achievements of various hospitals in improving their work environments. The NWESC Commission sent out a request for workplace improvements that utilized evidenced-based practices through the work of the hospitals’ NWESCs focused on the AACN six interdependent standards. (Figure 1). On October 10, 2024, a state-wide education program was held to share these accomplishments and to give awards to recognize the highest achievers in each of the six interdependent standards and for work on resiliency.
Appropriate Staffing: The impact of ADT nurses on alleviating the workload of acute care nurse (The Valley Hospital). Designated teams were utilized for the admissions of patients, their transfers to other units, and discharges in a timely manner.
Authentic Leadership: Creation of three subcommittees to address specific concerns (AHS Overlook Medical Center) 1) “Thorns” Group: identified thorns and solutions to address things that impede workflows; 2) Night shift council: to better address specific night shift concerns; and 3) Recognition of unrecognized roles: new committee seeking input.
Effective Decision Making: Utilizing shred governance, collaborative decision making and staff autonomy in the ED. (HMH Riverview Medical Center) Development and implementation of nurse driven protocols initiated in the ED for stroke and sepsis patients, resulting in improved outcomes.

Meaningful Recognition: Nursing Workforce Coordinator: An Innovative Role (AHS Centrastate Health System) Created and implemented a new pilot role to improve nurse well-being, satisfaction, and reduced turnover which has demonstrated improvement in nurse satisfaction scores, reduced nurse turnover, and enhanced nurse engagement.
Skilled Communication: Impact of care and retention rounds on turnover rate. (The Valley Hospital) Developed and implemented Care and Retention Rounds Toolkit (CARR) to enhance leadership rounds with staff, demonstrating reduction in nurse turnover.
True Collaboration: From surviving to thriving: the transformation of a Healthy Work Environment (AHS Chilton Medical Center) Demonstrated how multiple initiatives implemented resulted in improved Press Ganey scores, enhanced nurse engagement, and decreased nurse turnover.
Added focus on Resiliency : Practicing “Moment of Silence” after the death of a patient. (Cooper University Healthcare-Camden) Implemented a structured process for staff to cope with and overcome adverse circumstances such as the death of a patient. 100% staff satisfaction.
Questions about the work of ONL NJ and Nursing Workplace Environment and Staffing Councils (NWESC), contact Susan Cholewka, executive director, ONL NJ at scholewka@onlnj.org.