President, Kansas State Nurses Association
HAPPY SUMMER to the membership! I hope you are enjoying the summer and staying cool! Terry Siek, ANA Representative, Dana Erikson, Executive Director, and I were honored to attend the ANA Membership Assembly and the Day on the Hill at the Capital. My most important takeaway is that NURSING does have a voice at the state and federal levels! We had 500 nurses, nursing students, and advocates for nursing at the Capitol on June 27, 2024. The three of us meet with Kansas’s Senator and Representative office staffers. We discussed:
- Restricting Mandatory Overtime for Nurses
- Nurse Faculty Shortage Reduction Act (H.R. 7002, S. 2815)
- Improving Care and Access to Nurses (ICAN Act (S. 2418, H.R. 2713)
- Protect Timely Access to Quality Nursing Care in LTC Facilities
At the Membership Assembly, we heard presentations on Workplace violence and improving access to care for America’s veterans. A significant part of the discussions was on the new 2025 Code of Ethics, a crucial document that guides our profession. We were encouraged to comment publicly on this important matter, with the deadline set for July 31 at 5:00 p.m.
An interesting lunchtime meeting focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI). We discussed how AI could be used in nursing education and practice, and it is fascinating to see how technology is revolutionizing our field. The pace of technological growth and change is exhilarating, and we are at the forefront of it.
Another issue that the team had to vote on was the dues escalator. This would increase membership dues in January 2025. We surveyed the membership before going to MA and listened to the board about voting no on the increase. We also listened to the treasurer’s report for ANA Enterprise and decided, based on that report, that we would vote no. When it was time to vote, we voted no, but the dues increase passed and will be in effect in January 2025.
Things are gearing up in terms of planning for future educational offerings: legislative conference planning and Membership Assembly planning.
Have a wonderful summer, and stay hydrated!
I would love to hear your questions or thoughts on how you see KSNA moving forward and being a voice for nurses in Kansas.
Laura Mallett, MSN, RN
Kansas State Nurses Association