2024-2025 Education and Career Guide

The American Nurse Journal Education and Career Guide brings you editorial content to expand your career horizons. Whether you’re interested in returning to school, contemplating teaching opportunities, or exploring a new career path, read on for tips and ideas to consider as you take your next steps. This career and professional development advice will inspire you in both your current role and future professional nursing positions.

New nurses and clinical judgment

Evidence-based strategies for nurse preceptors The complex role of nurse preceptor requires a combination of clinical expertise and the ability to balance patient care with learning facilitation. The nursing shortage,…
Group work in higher education

Group work in higher education

Make it work for you. In healthcare, you need not look long or hard to see teamwork in action. Many hospital units run like well-oiled machines under the attention of…

Travel nursing nuts and bolts

Know what to expect to ensure a good experience.   No doubt about it. The past 2-plus years have been tough for nursing. With a global pandemic, nurses have been placed…
Travel nursing during a pandemic

Travel nursing during a pandemic

The future must ensure physical and mental health safety for all nurses.  Travel nurses and staff nurses can agree that we’ve all had to learn how to care for COVID-19…
Recruiting Millennial and Gen Z nurses

Recruiting Millennial and Gen Z nurses

Take into account generational and individual preferences to support retention. For years, Cal, a critical care director in a well-known academic medical center, had waiting lists of nurses anxious to…
Addressing the nurse faculty shortage

Addressing the nurse faculty shortage

Filling the gap requires collaboration and preparation. In academic nursing circles, the issues behind the nurse faculty shortage persist as a matter of great and growing concern. As a nation,…

Make dreams come true with goal setting

Nursing: One profession, many careers  Professional nursing offers many career and educational paths. But how do you navigate all of the choices? Professional development typically highlights competencies and career ladders…

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