The Year of the Nurse is here. The ANA Enterprise will celebrate it by engaging with nurses, thought leaders, and consumers in a variety of ways that promote nursing excellence, infuse leadership, and foster innovation.
“As the largest group of health-care professionals in the United States and the most trusted profession, nurses are with patients 24/7 and from the beginning of life to the end. Nurses practice in all healthcare set-tings and are filling new roles to meet the ever-growing demand for health and healthcare services,” said ANA President Ernest J. Grant, PhD, RN, FAAN.
“Despite the major role nurses play in healthcare de-livery and community outreach, there are opportunities to increase understanding of the value of nursing to expand investment in education, practice, and re-search, as well as increase the number of nurses who serve in leadership positions,” he added.
During 2020, the ANA Enterprise will expand National Nurses Week, traditionally held May 6 to 12 each year, to a month-long celebration in May to provide more opportunities to elevate and recognize nursing.
The World Health Assembly, the governing body of the World Health Organization, declared 2020 the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife, in honor of the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth. This declaration is an ex-tension of work initiated by the Nursing Now campaign to elevate the profession and ensure nurses are leading efforts to improve health and healthcare. The ANA Enterprise is leading Nursing Now USA along with the chief nurse, U.S. Public Health Service; the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill; and the University of Washington School of Nursing.
Nurses are encouraged to use #YON2020 and follow us on social media as we celebrate nurses throughout the year. To stay connected and join the celebration, visit