Developing and expanding APRN and PA teamsTakeaways: Advanced practice RN (APRN) and physician assistant (PA) roles are increasing in both primary and acute care settings. The integration of APRNs and…
Springing into action: How one procedural area kept working during COVID-19As COVID-19 hit Georgia in early March 2020, Emory University System made the difficult decision to stop all surgeries and procedures unless they were…
Top apps for nurses in 2020With 2020 coming to an end, the American Nurse Journal team would like to highlight some of the best apps for nurses and nursing…
The stories that never get told: BelongingRuth was admitted to our orthopedic unit with a hip fracture which was repaired uneventfully within a few days. What followed was the epitome…
Interprofessional collaboration made easyInterprofessional collaborative teams that include nurses, physicians, social workers, pharmacists, and physical and occupational therapists can help healthcare organizations improve patient and family experiences,…
Nurses, please don’t withdraw careWhen I started practicing as a nurse in an intensive care unit (ICU), everything I saw and heard seemed so unfamiliar. Like on a…
The rewards of teamwork and productive leadership in healthcare todayIs the combination of teamwork and leadership important in nursing and healthcare? The answer to that question is “Yes!” (more…)
Appreciative inquiry: Building teamwork and leadershipAn effective tool for improving patient care. Takeaways: Appreciative inquiry focuses on acknowledging strengths and values of individuals and organizations while understanding, accepting, and…
View the new documentary ‘In Case of Emergency’Join filmmaker Carolyn Jones for the Virtual Premiere of ‘In Case of Emergency’ on October 14th at 8pm ET followed by a live panel discussion…
Hourly rounding policyDear Editor, Over the past ten years, new policies supporting “hourly rounding” were implemented in the inpatient setting and transitioned into nursing homes and…
A slow pushIt’s been nearly 3 years since I began my nursing career, and a lot has happened. I’ve been blessed with amazing coworkers, physicians, and…
Leveraging size while remaining nimble with a workforce management strategy. Case Study: Advocate Aurora HealthHaving a staffing vision promotes optimal response to patient surges. Takeaways: Shared governance and an infrastructure to support collaboration between a system and individual…
Developing and expanding APRN and PA teamsTakeaways: Advanced practice RN (APRN) and physician assistant (PA) roles are increasing in both primary and acute care settings. The integration of…
Springing into action: How one procedural area kept working during COVID-19As COVID-19 hit Georgia in early March 2020, Emory University System made the difficult decision to stop all surgeries and procedures unless…
Top apps for nurses in 2020With 2020 coming to an end, the American Nurse Journal team would like to highlight some of the best apps for nurses…
The stories that never get told: BelongingRuth was admitted to our orthopedic unit with a hip fracture which was repaired uneventfully within a few days. What followed was…
Interprofessional collaboration made easyInterprofessional collaborative teams that include nurses, physicians, social workers, pharmacists, and physical and occupational therapists can help healthcare organizations improve patient and…
Nurses, please don’t withdraw careWhen I started practicing as a nurse in an intensive care unit (ICU), everything I saw and heard seemed so unfamiliar. Like…
The rewards of teamwork and productive leadership in healthcare todayIs the combination of teamwork and leadership important in nursing and healthcare? The answer to that question is “Yes!” (more…)
Appreciative inquiry: Building teamwork and leadershipAn effective tool for improving patient care. Takeaways: Appreciative inquiry focuses on acknowledging strengths and values of individuals and organizations while understanding,…
View the new documentary ‘In Case of Emergency’Join filmmaker Carolyn Jones for the Virtual Premiere of ‘In Case of Emergency’ on October 14th at 8pm ET followed by a live…
Hourly rounding policyDear Editor, Over the past ten years, new policies supporting “hourly rounding” were implemented in the inpatient setting and transitioned into nursing…
A slow pushIt’s been nearly 3 years since I began my nursing career, and a lot has happened. I’ve been blessed with amazing coworkers,…
Leveraging size while remaining nimble with a workforce management strategy. Case Study: Advocate Aurora HealthHaving a staffing vision promotes optimal response to patient surges. Takeaways: Shared governance and an infrastructure to support collaboration between a system…
Developing and expanding APRN and PA teamsBy: Ruth M. Kleinpell, PhD, APRN-BC, FAAN; April N. Kapu, DNP, ACNP-BC, FAAN; Susan Stempek, MMSc, PA-C, FCCP; Corinna Sicoutris, MSN, CRNP, FCCM; Britney S. Broyhill, DNP, ACNP-BC; and Rhonda D’Agostino, MSN, ACNP-BC, FCCP, FCCM
Springing into action: How one procedural area kept working during COVID-19By: Kathleen Diatta, PhD, RN, NE-BC
Appreciative inquiry: Building teamwork and leadershipBy: Kathleen J. Naca-Abell, MSN, RN, CVRN-BC, RN-BC, CNL
Leveraging size while remaining nimble with a workforce management strategy. Case Study: Advocate Aurora HealthBy: Margaret Gavigan, MSN, MBA, RN, NEA-BC; Jane Dus, DNP, RN, NE-BC; and Mary Beth Kingston, PhD, RN, NEA-BC