What to expect from correctional nursingTakeaways: Correctional nursing is a growing specialty that’s evolving to meet the needs of incarcerated populations in a variety of settings. People who are…
Developing and expanding APRN and PA teamsTakeaways: Advanced practice RN (APRN) and physician assistant (PA) roles are increasing in both primary and acute care settings. The integration of APRNs and…
Springing into action: How one procedural area kept working during COVID-19As COVID-19 hit Georgia in early March 2020, Emory University System made the difficult decision to stop all surgeries and procedures unless they were…
What it’s like to be a school nurse during the COVID-19 pandemicNurse Holly Giovi of Deer Park, NY takes Good Morning America into her office to see what it’s like to work on the frontlines as a…
Are school nurses OK?We are certainly in extraordinary times, as exemplified by this “Public Advisory” issued from the Washington Education Association. The message specifically speaks to the…
Nurses, please don’t withdraw careWhen I started practicing as a nurse in an intensive care unit (ICU), everything I saw and heard seemed so unfamiliar. Like on a…
Rheumatology nursingA career path that can leave a lasting impression. Takeaways: Nurses have a variety of career options in range of care settings, including rheumatology…
A late night message, “Robin, I have one child left. What should we do about school?”I received this text message in the early morning hours during one of my many sleepless nights grappling with how to safely reopen school.…
View the new documentary ‘In Case of Emergency’Join filmmaker Carolyn Jones for the Virtual Premiere of ‘In Case of Emergency’ on October 14th at 8pm ET followed by a live panel discussion…
A personal invitation to attend HealtheVoices for HCPsAs a nurse who is active in social media and has an interest in educating and empowering people through social media channels, I would…
School nursing—Always student-centeredLeading and innovating on the frontlines of the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic challenges school nurses to continue providing health services when schools are closed…
School nurses adapting and innovating in response to COVID-19Johnson & Johnson has supported school nursing for many years. From 1988 – 2016, they funded the J&J School Health Leadership Program, a prestigious Fellowship…
What to expect from correctional nursingTakeaways: Correctional nursing is a growing specialty that’s evolving to meet the needs of incarcerated populations in a variety of settings. People…
Developing and expanding APRN and PA teamsTakeaways: Advanced practice RN (APRN) and physician assistant (PA) roles are increasing in both primary and acute care settings. The integration of…
Springing into action: How one procedural area kept working during COVID-19As COVID-19 hit Georgia in early March 2020, Emory University System made the difficult decision to stop all surgeries and procedures unless…
What it’s like to be a school nurse during the COVID-19 pandemicNurse Holly Giovi of Deer Park, NY takes Good Morning America into her office to see what it’s like to work on the frontlines…
Are school nurses OK?We are certainly in extraordinary times, as exemplified by this “Public Advisory” issued from the Washington Education Association. The message specifically speaks…
Nurses, please don’t withdraw careWhen I started practicing as a nurse in an intensive care unit (ICU), everything I saw and heard seemed so unfamiliar. Like…
Rheumatology nursingA career path that can leave a lasting impression. Takeaways: Nurses have a variety of career options in range of care settings,…
A late night message, “Robin, I have one child left. What should we do about school?”I received this text message in the early morning hours during one of my many sleepless nights grappling with how to safely…
View the new documentary ‘In Case of Emergency’Join filmmaker Carolyn Jones for the Virtual Premiere of ‘In Case of Emergency’ on October 14th at 8pm ET followed by a live…
A personal invitation to attend HealtheVoices for HCPsAs a nurse who is active in social media and has an interest in educating and empowering people through social media channels,…
School nursing—Always student-centeredLeading and innovating on the frontlines of the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic challenges school nurses to continue providing health services when schools…
School nurses adapting and innovating in response to COVID-19Johnson & Johnson has supported school nursing for many years. From 1988 – 2016, they funded the J&J School Health Leadership Program, a…
Developing and expanding APRN and PA teamsBy: Ruth M. Kleinpell, PhD, APRN-BC, FAAN; April N. Kapu, DNP, ACNP-BC, FAAN; Susan Stempek, MMSc, PA-C, FCCP; Corinna Sicoutris, MSN, CRNP, FCCM; Britney S. Broyhill, DNP, ACNP-BC; and Rhonda D’Agostino, MSN, ACNP-BC, FCCP, FCCM
Springing into action: How one procedural area kept working during COVID-19By: Kathleen Diatta, PhD, RN, NE-BC
A late night message, “Robin, I have one child left. What should we do about school?”By: Robin Cogan, MEd, RN, NCSN