Nurse innovators welcome hereHave you ever imagined how nursing or healthcare could be improved? Do you have a concept in the works that you need support to…
View the new documentary ‘In Case of Emergency’Join filmmaker Carolyn Jones for the Virtual Premiere of ‘In Case of Emergency’ on October 14th at 8pm ET followed by a live panel discussion…
A personal invitation to attend HealtheVoices for HCPsAs a nurse who is active in social media and has an interest in educating and empowering people through social media channels, I would…
School nurses adapting and innovating in response to COVID-19Johnson & Johnson has supported school nursing for many years. From 1988 – 2016, they funded the J&J School Health Leadership Program, a prestigious Fellowship…
A measure of last resort: Homemade respirator masks in a pandemicNurses design and test masks to advance innovation during a time of need. Editor’s note: Commercially manufactured single-use respirator masks are standard of care.…
Amidst COVID-19, virtual reality makes “social distancing” simulation possibleLeadership of the simulation center at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing has been investigating how to bring virtual simulation to life for some…
I.V. Push medication administration: Bridging education and practice through standardizationInstilling best practice requires collaboration. Best practice guidelines for I.V. push administration are easier to access than ever before, but many nurses still use…
Leveraging size while remaining nimble with a workforce management strategy. Case Study: Advocate Aurora HealthHaving a staffing vision promotes optimal response to patient surges. Takeaways: Shared governance and an infrastructure to support collaboration between a system and individual…
A workforce management strategy that builds organizational resiliency. Case study: Sanford HealthTechnology used wisely can help balance staff and patient needs. Takeaways: Workforce management infrastructure should be built on the foundation of a supportive environment…
Workforce management strategies in times of uncertaintyRely on data, technology, policies and processes, people, and patient-centered staffing. Takeaways: A data-driven workforce strategy can reduce chaos when the unexpected occurs. Five…
Discharge unit efficiencyA dedicated discharge unit decreases length of stay and improves ED treat and admit times. Takeaways: Implementing a discharge unit in an acute care…
Operationalizing structural empowerment in a Magnet® organizationOne hospital’s strategy for success. Takeaways: Building a strong organizational infrastructure to support and empower nurses in their practice environments is essential to successfully…
Nurse innovators welcome hereHave you ever imagined how nursing or healthcare could be improved? Do you have a concept in the works that you need…
View the new documentary ‘In Case of Emergency’Join filmmaker Carolyn Jones for the Virtual Premiere of ‘In Case of Emergency’ on October 14th at 8pm ET followed by a live…
A personal invitation to attend HealtheVoices for HCPsAs a nurse who is active in social media and has an interest in educating and empowering people through social media channels,…
School nurses adapting and innovating in response to COVID-19Johnson & Johnson has supported school nursing for many years. From 1988 – 2016, they funded the J&J School Health Leadership Program, a…
A measure of last resort: Homemade respirator masks in a pandemicNurses design and test masks to advance innovation during a time of need. Editor’s note: Commercially manufactured single-use respirator masks are standard…
Amidst COVID-19, virtual reality makes “social distancing” simulation possibleLeadership of the simulation center at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing has been investigating how to bring virtual simulation to life…
I.V. Push medication administration: Bridging education and practice through standardizationInstilling best practice requires collaboration. Best practice guidelines for I.V. push administration are easier to access than ever before, but many nurses…
Leveraging size while remaining nimble with a workforce management strategy. Case Study: Advocate Aurora HealthHaving a staffing vision promotes optimal response to patient surges. Takeaways: Shared governance and an infrastructure to support collaboration between a system…
A workforce management strategy that builds organizational resiliency. Case study: Sanford HealthTechnology used wisely can help balance staff and patient needs. Takeaways: Workforce management infrastructure should be built on the foundation of a…
Workforce management strategies in times of uncertaintyRely on data, technology, policies and processes, people, and patient-centered staffing. Takeaways: A data-driven workforce strategy can reduce chaos when the unexpected…
Discharge unit efficiencyA dedicated discharge unit decreases length of stay and improves ED treat and admit times. Takeaways: Implementing a discharge unit in an…
Operationalizing structural empowerment in a Magnet® organizationOne hospital’s strategy for success. Takeaways: Building a strong organizational infrastructure to support and empower nurses in their practice environments is essential…
A measure of last resort: Homemade respirator masks in a pandemicBy: Roschelle Fritz, PhD, RN; Marian Wilson, PhD, MPH, RN; and Shawn Brow, MAE, CRNA
I.V. Push medication administration: Bridging education and practice through standardizationBy: Catherine Spader, RN
Leveraging size while remaining nimble with a workforce management strategy. Case Study: Advocate Aurora HealthBy: Margaret Gavigan, MSN, MBA, RN, NEA-BC; Jane Dus, DNP, RN, NE-BC; and Mary Beth Kingston, PhD, RN, NEA-BC
A workforce management strategy that builds organizational resiliency. Case study: Sanford HealthBy: Diana Berkland, PhD, RN, FAAN, and Meghan Goldammer, JD, RN
Operationalizing structural empowerment in a Magnet® organizationBy: Peggy Gordin, MS, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, and Heidi Fields, MSN, RN, CPNP-PC