Joy stealing: Stopping happiness thievesLearn how to deal with coworkers who take the joy out of work. (more…)
Break the cycle: A new nurse’s plea to end bullyingBullying and incivility remain the norm in nursing today despite efforts to raise awareness. Bullying is cyclical—people who were bullied often perpetuate the cycle…
Role of young nurse leaders in ending bullyingFood for thought: Rather than dining on our young, how might we—the next generation of nurse leaders—model positive professional behaviors and help to end…
Accused of workplace bullying: What happens next?If an informal resolution can’t be achieved, follow your organization’s investigation protocol. Takeaways: Workplace bullying is abusive conduct that is threatening, humiliating, or intimidating and…
Reader Feedback: March 2019Supporting veterans with substance use disorder Veterans are considered to be highly affected by the increased amount of pressure put on them…while in combat.…
What if you’re the bully? Self-awareness and honest feedback can help you make a change. Takeaways: Bullying and incivility are prevalent in the nursing profession, so we each need…
Passion with purposeLooking back on ANA’s work and presidency. THE PRESIDENCY of the American Nurses Association (ANA) is one of the most exciting, challenging, and rewarding roles…
2018 nursing trends and salary survey resultsWhat are your colleagues saying about workplace violence, bullying, and job satisfaction? RNs, as a whole, are a satisfied group. We’re satisfied with the…
When the culture of compassion fails in nursingIs it incivility, horizontal violence, bullying, ageism, policy failure or racism? It’s difficult to comprehend the lack of compassion and humanness from one nurse…
Survival skills for new graduate nurses facing bullying in the workplaceEven though nurses are part of a caring profession, some of them bully new graduate nurses. About half (48%) of new graduate nurses fear…
Harassment: It’s about abuse of powerYou should feel safe at work. By Leah Curtin, RN, ScD(h), FAAN Nurses—everyone, in fact—have a right to a workplace free of harassment, but…
Joy stealing: Stopping happiness thievesLearn how to deal with coworkers who take the joy out of work. (more…)
Break the cycle: A new nurse’s plea to end bullyingBullying and incivility remain the norm in nursing today despite efforts to raise awareness. Bullying is cyclical—people who were bullied often perpetuate…
Role of young nurse leaders in ending bullyingFood for thought: Rather than dining on our young, how might we—the next generation of nurse leaders—model positive professional behaviors and help…
Accused of workplace bullying: What happens next?If an informal resolution can’t be achieved, follow your organization’s investigation protocol. Takeaways: Workplace bullying is abusive conduct that is threatening, humiliating, or…
Reader Feedback: March 2019Supporting veterans with substance use disorder Veterans are considered to be highly affected by the increased amount of pressure put on them…while…
What if you’re the bully? Self-awareness and honest feedback can help you make a change. Takeaways: Bullying and incivility are prevalent in the nursing profession, so we…
Passion with purposeLooking back on ANA’s work and presidency. THE PRESIDENCY of the American Nurses Association (ANA) is one of the most exciting, challenging, and…
2018 nursing trends and salary survey resultsWhat are your colleagues saying about workplace violence, bullying, and job satisfaction? RNs, as a whole, are a satisfied group. We’re satisfied…
When the culture of compassion fails in nursingIs it incivility, horizontal violence, bullying, ageism, policy failure or racism? It’s difficult to comprehend the lack of compassion and humanness from…
Survival skills for new graduate nurses facing bullying in the workplaceEven though nurses are part of a caring profession, some of them bully new graduate nurses. About half (48%) of new graduate…
Harassment: It’s about abuse of powerYou should feel safe at work. By Leah Curtin, RN, ScD(h), FAAN Nurses—everyone, in fact—have a right to a workplace free of…