Nurses and policy: Tools and resources for engagementCivic engagement is a continuum of activities ranging from voting and advocating for policy to community engagement and running for office. Despite calls to…
Seeing Nurse Unseen and why we tell nursing storiesOctober marks Filipino American History Month. This month, the documentary Nurse Unseen is being screened in major U.S. cities, highlighting Filipino nurses’ ongoing contributions.…
Read alert: The decline of readingA student just 2 weeks from graduation once asked me, “Where is the gallbladder?” With candid unconcern, the student admitted that she had never…
Emotional intelligence: A neglected nursing competencyI love my job as nurse faculty, but if I were asked about the most challenging aspect of my role, I would point to…
From Retirement to Preferment: Crafting Your Next ChapterIs it time for your next chapter? If you’re like me, you’re looking for good news that includes fulfillment and flexibility in our later…
States Set Minimum Staffing Levels for Nursing Homes. Residents Suffer When Rules Are Ignored or WaivedFor hours, John Pernorio repeatedly mashed the call button at his bedside in the Heritage Hills nursing home in Rhode Island. A retired truck…
Examining Public Perception of NursesThe public places their trust in nurses because they expect them to act truthfully, transparently, and with integrity. Imagine you’re a patient and your…
From the Midwest to the Middle EastIn the light from the hospital courtyard where refugees were cooking and doing laundry, I read the dedication in War Surgery, a book by…
Florence Nightingale overcame the limits set on proper Victorian women – and brought modern science and statistics to nursingFor nearly 200 years, Florence Nightingale’s name has been synonymous with gentle compassion and mercy. In the mid-19th century, Nightingale became perhaps the most…
Bird flu is bad for poultry and dairy cows. It’s not a dire threat for most of us — yet.Headlines are flying after the Department of Agriculture confirmed that the H5N1 bird flu virus has infected dairy cows around the country. Tests have…
Nearly 100 measles cases reported in the first quarter, CDC saysThere were 97 reported cases of measles in the first quarter of the year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports, representing…
Infections after surgery are more likely due to bacteria already on your skin than from microbes in the hospital − new researchHealthcare providers and patients have traditionally thought that infections patients get while in the hospital are caused by superbugs they’re exposed to while they’re…
Nurses and policy: Tools and resources for engagementCivic engagement is a continuum of activities ranging from voting and advocating for policy to community engagement and running for office. Despite…
Seeing Nurse Unseen and why we tell nursing storiesOctober marks Filipino American History Month. This month, the documentary Nurse Unseen is being screened in major U.S. cities, highlighting Filipino nurses’…
Read alert: The decline of readingA student just 2 weeks from graduation once asked me, “Where is the gallbladder?” With candid unconcern, the student admitted that she…
Emotional intelligence: A neglected nursing competencyI love my job as nurse faculty, but if I were asked about the most challenging aspect of my role, I would…
From Retirement to Preferment: Crafting Your Next ChapterIs it time for your next chapter? If you’re like me, you’re looking for good news that includes fulfillment and flexibility in…
States Set Minimum Staffing Levels for Nursing Homes. Residents Suffer When Rules Are Ignored or WaivedFor hours, John Pernorio repeatedly mashed the call button at his bedside in the Heritage Hills nursing home in Rhode Island. A…
Examining Public Perception of NursesThe public places their trust in nurses because they expect them to act truthfully, transparently, and with integrity. Imagine you’re a patient…
From the Midwest to the Middle EastIn the light from the hospital courtyard where refugees were cooking and doing laundry, I read the dedication in War Surgery, a…
Florence Nightingale overcame the limits set on proper Victorian women – and brought modern science and statistics to nursingFor nearly 200 years, Florence Nightingale’s name has been synonymous with gentle compassion and mercy. In the mid-19th century, Nightingale became perhaps…
Bird flu is bad for poultry and dairy cows. It’s not a dire threat for most of us — yet.Headlines are flying after the Department of Agriculture confirmed that the H5N1 bird flu virus has infected dairy cows around the country.…
Nearly 100 measles cases reported in the first quarter, CDC saysThere were 97 reported cases of measles in the first quarter of the year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)…
Infections after surgery are more likely due to bacteria already on your skin than from microbes in the hospital − new researchHealthcare providers and patients have traditionally thought that infections patients get while in the hospital are caused by superbugs they’re exposed to…
Nurses and policy: Tools and resources for engagementBy: Samantha Karp, RN, MSN, Allison Crha, MPH, RN and Alison Hernandez, PhD, RN
From Retirement to Preferment: Crafting Your Next ChapterBy: Sharon M Weinstein, MS, BSN, RN, CRNI-R, FACW, CSP, FAAN
States Set Minimum Staffing Levels for Nursing Homes. Residents Suffer When Rules Are Ignored or WaivedBy: Jordan Rau, KFF Health News
Florence Nightingale overcame the limits set on proper Victorian women – and brought modern science and statistics to nursingBy: Melissa Pritchard, Arizona State University
Bird flu is bad for poultry and dairy cows. It’s not a dire threat for most of us — yet.By: Amy Maxmen
Infections after surgery are more likely due to bacteria already on your skin than from microbes in the hospital − new researchBy: Dustin Long, University of Washington and Chloe Bryson-Cahn, University of Washington