What every nurse should know about staffingLearn how understanding your organization’s staffing process can help you influence staffing levels on your unit.
The Magnetizers: A team approach to Magnet®-focused teachingSix direct-care nurses came together to teach hospital staff about the Magnet Recognition Program.®
Quality-improvement initiative: Classifying and documenting surgical woundsInterprofessional collaboration promoted a successful initiative to improve wound classification.
How DNP and PhD nurses can collaborate to maximize patient careWorking hand in glove, these doctorally prepared nurses can improve care of patients and their families.
Advancing toward an 80% BSN workforce by 2020Learn about the steps one Connecticut hospital is taking to increase its BSN nurses.
Déjà vu all over againSome people simply can’t learn from the past—even the fairly recent and painful past.
Demystifying literature reviewsEvery nurse should understand evidence-based practice and the terms used in literature reviews.
BSN, MSN graduates more likely to land jobsAccording to new data from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, graduates of entry-level baccalaureate (BSN) and master’s nursing programs are much more…
Informal leaders and cultural changeInformal leaders are crucial to the success of a change involving the nursing team, yet they are often overlooked. A literature search of nursing…
What Works: Improving influenza vaccination compliance in an academic medical centerThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all healthcare workers receive the influenza vaccine. Here is how one medical center is working…
Preparing nurses for tomorrow’s healthcare systemToday’s nursing curriculum uses such approaches as situated cognition, flipping the classroom, and concept-based learning.
What every nurse should know about staffingLearn how understanding your organization’s staffing process can help you influence staffing levels on your unit.
The Magnetizers: A team approach to Magnet®-focused teachingSix direct-care nurses came together to teach hospital staff about the Magnet Recognition Program.®
Quality-improvement initiative: Classifying and documenting surgical woundsInterprofessional collaboration promoted a successful initiative to improve wound classification.
How DNP and PhD nurses can collaborate to maximize patient careWorking hand in glove, these doctorally prepared nurses can improve care of patients and their families.
Advancing toward an 80% BSN workforce by 2020Learn about the steps one Connecticut hospital is taking to increase its BSN nurses.
Déjà vu all over againSome people simply can’t learn from the past—even the fairly recent and painful past.
Demystifying literature reviewsEvery nurse should understand evidence-based practice and the terms used in literature reviews.
BSN, MSN graduates more likely to land jobsAccording to new data from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, graduates of entry-level baccalaureate (BSN) and master’s nursing programs are…
Informal leaders and cultural changeInformal leaders are crucial to the success of a change involving the nursing team, yet they are often overlooked. A literature search…
What Works: Improving influenza vaccination compliance in an academic medical centerThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all healthcare workers receive the influenza vaccine. Here is how one medical center…
Preparing nurses for tomorrow’s healthcare systemToday’s nursing curriculum uses such approaches as situated cognition, flipping the classroom, and concept-based learning.