Controlling symptoms and preventing exacerbations are the key to patient quality of life. Takeaways: Nurses must be able to identify patients with chronic obstructive…
Nurses frequently care for patients who use or are considering using medical cannabis. In 2018, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN)…
APPROXIMATELY 5 million central vascular access devices (CVADs) are inserted into U.S. patients every year, and at least 85% of hospitalized patients receive some…
The nurse’s role at point of care Takeaways: Short peripheral and midline catheters can be essential to accomplishing patient therapeutic regimens. Nurses must be…
EPILEPSY is one of the most common disorders of the central nervous system, affecting 65 million people worldwide—3.4 million in the United States. It…
Stay-up-to-date to avoid complications and achieve the best treatment for patients. Takeaways: This article discusses the use of oral anticoagulants. Indications, side effects and…
Osteoarthritis is a chronic disorder of the joints that is painful, prevalent, costly, and a leading cause of disability.· Management of osteoarthritis is multifaceted…
Take a strategic approach to translating research into practice. Implementation is a major step in the evidence-based practice (EBP) process that’s often underappreciated and…
The number of new breast cancer cases is relatively stable (breast cancer represents 15% of all new cancer cases diagnosed in the United States…
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