Accurately assessing and detecting acute or chronic pain in older adults (65 years and older) is challenging, especially if they have difficulty recognizing, interpreting,…
The more resource options available for day-to-day surge events, the more effectively hospital operations can withstand imbalances in supply and demand. Proactively addressing the…
Nurses can help avoid negative effects of opioids while ensuring patient pain is managed. Takeaways: Pain management can be complicated by individual patients’ previous…
Review of immune checkpoint inhibitor and CAR T-cell therapy adverse effects and treatments. Takeaways: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved several immunotherapy…
What’s a nurse to do without an asthma educator? CNE 1.5 contact Hours Learning Objectives 1. Identify triggers associated with asthma. 2. Discuss medications used…
Nurses can serve as leaders as they help patients and families through a difficult time. Takeaways: All nurses must be competent in providing palliative…
Home care is unique, placing nurses and other healthcare professionals in patients’ homes and personal space, and doesn’t include typical healthcare organization requirements.
About every 40 seconds in the United States, someone experiences an acute myocardial infarction (AMI)—that adds up to about 600,000 AMIs every year. This…
Understand the basics so you can effectively manage your patients. Takeaways: Neuraxial anesthesia is the administration of medication into the subarachnoid or epidural space…
Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) is a serious complication of an acute care admission, particularly for patients noted to be at risk. HAP can be reduced…
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