Addressing climate change through corporate social responsibility is urgent and timely in the COVID-19 disaster recovery period for the nursing profession.
Urinary tract infection (UTI) continues to attract clinical attention as one of the world’s most prevalent infections. UTI broadly describes several clinical conditions, including…
A study by Wax and colleagues found that each year in the United States over 500,000 healthcare-associated bloodstream infections are attributed to I.V. catheters,…
Marcy Taylor*, a 48-year-old woman, visits her nurse practitioner, Bryan Thomas, to discuss weight loss management. Marcy is 62 inches tall, weighs 182 lbs,…
Although most Americans voice concern about climate change (climate breakdown), many remain unaware that they’re experiencing its effects today. In fact, those born in…
The renal system comprises the kidneys, ureters, and urethra, which maintain homeostasis via filtration and excretion of waste products, participate in acidbase balance, produce…
Heart failure (HF), a clinical syndrome that results from changes in the cardiac structure, leads to impaired ventricular filling or reduced blood ejected with…
Through shared governance, nurses are encouraged to participate in organizational decision-making to satisfy professional obligations. Incorporating ethical competence and professional development into everyday nursing…
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