Click here to download the PDF. Despite life-sustaining medical management for patients with critically worsening symptoms, heart failure (HF) prevalence continues to rise. An…
Mrs. Glenn, a 72-year-old female on a medical-surgical floor, was hospitalized 3 days ago for pneumonia. Since her admission, she has been on continuous…
Continuing Nursing Education Learning objectives 1. Differentiate between enteral and parenteral nutrition. 2. Discuss how to manage hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia in patients with diabetes…
Learning objectives 1. State how breast cancer is diagnosed and evaluated. 2. Identify the implications of genetics for patients with breast cancer. 3. Discuss…
Learning objectives 1. Differentiate the three tiers used to identify ventilator-associated events (VAEs). 2. Identify key elements of VAE surveillance. 3. Discuss the practice…
A precursor to serious complications, this dangerous condition is on the rise among Americans.
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