2023 update to ICMJE recommendationsIn May the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) updated its “Recommendations for the conduct, reporting, editing, and publication of scholarly…
Summing up your article in one statement: A powerful writing toolIt can be hard for new (and even experienced) writers to narrow a topic for an article from a broad focus down…
Use keywords to help readers find your workMany journals ask authors to submit keywords (single words or phrases) as part of manuscript submission. At this stage, you’ve been working…
Grab Readers’ Attention With Graphical AbstractsIt’s stating the obvious that nurses are very busy, but it’s worth considering the impact of that busyness on authors who want…
Cultivating the writing habitNew Year’s is a popular time for resolutions—a time to start anew. Perhaps you’ve been thinking about writing for publication but are…
Peer review: A tool for career growthIt’s a huge understatement to say nurses are busy, so why should you add to your workload by becoming a peer reviewer?…
A guide for principled publishingNurse researchers receive much less funding from commercial companies than their physician colleagues, but those who do should be aware of a…
The value of checklistsChecklists have long been recognized as providing value to nurses and other clinicians engaging in patient care, with Atul Gawande touting their…
What are reference formats?When I speak to novice writers, one of the topics that frequently comes up is how to format references in the text…
Age in publishing: What’s in a name?Elderly, seniors, aged — what’s the right terminology to use when writing about, well, older people? It’s worth considering this in an…
Who is an author?Determining who should be named as an author for an article isn’t as simple as it might seem, yet it’s critical to…
New report on predatory journalsA new international report on predatory journals tells an alarming tale—the organizations behind these journals are becoming more sophisticated, making detection more…