How to strengthen your writing with inclusive, bias-free languageMany factors go into an effective article, from an enticing introduction to compelling visuals and a powerful conclusion. But one factor sometimes overlooked is…
AI takeaways from writing conferenceOn March 9, I attended a virtual conference hosted by the Delaware Chapter of the American Medical Writers Association. I wanted to share some…
My old stethoscopeMy stethoscope lay curled in the bottom of my bathroom drawer with other nursing tools—penlights, watches with second hands, and old badges and lanyards.…
The transformational role of charge nurses in the post-pandemic eraThe strain on charge nurses is evident in several nursing sensitive indicators and hospital metrics, calling for a transformative approach to redefine this role.…
Will Machines Replace Us?The short answer: Do not be afraid! The longer answer: We’re in the midst of a national nursing shortage crisis, and now is the…
Tips for successful interprofessional collaborative writing: Part 2As noted in Part 1 of this two-part series, interprofessional collaboration is a cornerstone of quality healthcare delivery, so it makes sense that writing…
Tips for successful interprofessional collaborative writing: Part 1Interprofessional collaboration is a cornerstone of quality healthcare delivery, so it makes sense that writing produced by interprofessional teams can have a significant impact…
One nurse’s perspective: How to resolve the high cost of healthcare in the United StatesAmerican citizens pay for their health insurance through premiums and co-pays, but they remain at risk for substantial out-of-pocket medical bills after receiving treatment…
Proofreading: A quality-improvement tool to ensure accuracyAs nurses, we routinely use quality-improvement tools such as the plan-do-check-act cycle to refine our practice to benefit patients. Proofreading is a quality-improvement tool…
Placebo, nocebo, and nursing careThe term “placebo” entered the English medical lexicon from the Latin word “placeo,” which means “I please” or “I shall please.” Its current usage,…
A Quest to Human-centered AIGenerative AI is a hot topic in healthcare right now. There are a lot of questions about its use and how we can most…
Writing out of order: A strategy to improve quality and efficiencyMany of us learned the classic IMRAD approach to writing up a research study. As a refresher, it consists of the following: Introduction: Why…
How to strengthen your writing with inclusive, bias-free languageMany factors go into an effective article, from an enticing introduction to compelling visuals and a powerful conclusion. But one factor sometimes…
AI takeaways from writing conferenceOn March 9, I attended a virtual conference hosted by the Delaware Chapter of the American Medical Writers Association. I wanted to…
My old stethoscopeMy stethoscope lay curled in the bottom of my bathroom drawer with other nursing tools—penlights, watches with second hands, and old badges…
The transformational role of charge nurses in the post-pandemic eraThe strain on charge nurses is evident in several nursing sensitive indicators and hospital metrics, calling for a transformative approach to redefine…
Will Machines Replace Us?The short answer: Do not be afraid! The longer answer: We’re in the midst of a national nursing shortage crisis, and now…
Tips for successful interprofessional collaborative writing: Part 2As noted in Part 1 of this two-part series, interprofessional collaboration is a cornerstone of quality healthcare delivery, so it makes sense…
Tips for successful interprofessional collaborative writing: Part 1Interprofessional collaboration is a cornerstone of quality healthcare delivery, so it makes sense that writing produced by interprofessional teams can have a…
One nurse’s perspective: How to resolve the high cost of healthcare in the United StatesAmerican citizens pay for their health insurance through premiums and co-pays, but they remain at risk for substantial out-of-pocket medical bills after…
Proofreading: A quality-improvement tool to ensure accuracyAs nurses, we routinely use quality-improvement tools such as the plan-do-check-act cycle to refine our practice to benefit patients. Proofreading is a…
Placebo, nocebo, and nursing careThe term “placebo” entered the English medical lexicon from the Latin word “placeo,” which means “I please” or “I shall please.” Its…
A Quest to Human-centered AIGenerative AI is a hot topic in healthcare right now. There are a lot of questions about its use and how we…
Writing out of order: A strategy to improve quality and efficiencyMany of us learned the classic IMRAD approach to writing up a research study. As a refresher, it consists of the following:…
The transformational role of charge nurses in the post-pandemic eraBy: Choralie R. Paurice, MSN, RN and Jasper Erwin Tolarba, DNP, RN, FAAN
One nurse’s perspective: How to resolve the high cost of healthcare in the United StatesBy: Mirabel Forteh, DNP (est. graduation 2024), MSN, APRN, CCRN, FNP-C, ACNPC-AG