Summary of updates to guidelines for managing severe TBI in childrenThe American Journal of Critical Care has published an article that highlights the most important updates featured in the third edition of the guidelines…
Taking control of our health: An interview with Scott GreenstoneThe American Nurse team is delighted to have had an opportunity to speak with Scott Greenstone, a registered nurse who recently shared his story…
Study fails to show benefit of adding vitamin C to treatment of septic shockA study recently published in the Journal of the American Medial Association aimed to examine if a treatment combination of vitamin C, hydrocortisone, and…
Promoting safe use of parenteral anticoagulantsParenteral anticoagulants—unfractionated and low-molecular-weight heparin—primarily are used to prevent and treat VTE (deep vein thrombosis [DVT] and pulmonary embolism [PE]) associated with medical conditions…
10 years of inpatient diabetes certification— Lessons learnedDiabetes quality improvement (QI) in an inpatient academic hospital setting can be challenging because of communication gaps among staff, pre-established mealtime delivery schedules, complex…
Rehabilitation and patient injuriesDear Editor: The elderly population are admitted to rehabilitation facilities after sustaining many different types of injuries and incidents such as falls, fractures, burns,…
Outpatient care of patients with COPDControlling symptoms and preventing exacerbations are the key to patient quality of life. Takeaways: Nurses must be able to identify patients with chronic obstructive…
Virtual reality: A strategy to improve patient-centered careTechnology can help nurses gain empathy and navigate difficult conversations. Takeaways: Extended reality (virtual, mixed, augmented) technology is rapidly expanding and finding a space…
Efficiency: ASCs vs. hospital outpatient departmentsA recent study from The American Journal of Surgery analyzes the efficiency of operating rooms in hospital-owned ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs) and hospital outpatient…
New guidelines for exercise during cancer treatmentThe American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recently released new guidelines for exercise prescriptions while patients are undergoing cancer treatment. (more…)
New research in the prevention of venous thromboembolismA recent study examines the use of intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) to prevent venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients who are at high-risk for the…
Continuing care without wallsThis long-term care option definitely got my attention…for my older relatives and also for myself in the not-too-distant future: continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs)…
Summary of updates to guidelines for managing severe TBI in childrenThe American Journal of Critical Care has published an article that highlights the most important updates featured in the third edition of…
Taking control of our health: An interview with Scott GreenstoneThe American Nurse team is delighted to have had an opportunity to speak with Scott Greenstone, a registered nurse who recently shared…
Study fails to show benefit of adding vitamin C to treatment of septic shockA study recently published in the Journal of the American Medial Association aimed to examine if a treatment combination of vitamin C,…
Promoting safe use of parenteral anticoagulantsParenteral anticoagulants—unfractionated and low-molecular-weight heparin—primarily are used to prevent and treat VTE (deep vein thrombosis [DVT] and pulmonary embolism [PE]) associated with…
10 years of inpatient diabetes certification— Lessons learnedDiabetes quality improvement (QI) in an inpatient academic hospital setting can be challenging because of communication gaps among staff, pre-established mealtime delivery…
Rehabilitation and patient injuriesDear Editor: The elderly population are admitted to rehabilitation facilities after sustaining many different types of injuries and incidents such as falls,…
Outpatient care of patients with COPDControlling symptoms and preventing exacerbations are the key to patient quality of life. Takeaways: Nurses must be able to identify patients with…
Virtual reality: A strategy to improve patient-centered careTechnology can help nurses gain empathy and navigate difficult conversations. Takeaways: Extended reality (virtual, mixed, augmented) technology is rapidly expanding and finding…
Efficiency: ASCs vs. hospital outpatient departmentsA recent study from The American Journal of Surgery analyzes the efficiency of operating rooms in hospital-owned ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs) and…
New guidelines for exercise during cancer treatmentThe American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recently released new guidelines for exercise prescriptions while patients are undergoing cancer treatment. (more…)
New research in the prevention of venous thromboembolismA recent study examines the use of intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) to prevent venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients who are at high-risk…
Continuing care without wallsThis long-term care option definitely got my attention…for my older relatives and also for myself in the not-too-distant future: continuing care retirement…
Summary of updates to guidelines for managing severe TBI in childrenBy: Cynthia Saver, MS, RN, Editorial Director
Taking control of our health: An interview with Scott GreenstoneBy: Lydia L. Kim, Digital Content Editor
Study fails to show benefit of adding vitamin C to treatment of septic shockBy: Lydia L. Kim, Digital Content Editor
10 years of inpatient diabetes certification— Lessons learnedBy: Sharon A. Watts, DNP, FNP-BC, CDE; Drina R. Nemes, MSN, CNS, CRRN; Timothy Davian Jr., MSN, RN; and Amanda L. Pensiero, MD
Virtual reality: A strategy to improve patient-centered careBy: Jaime Hannans, PhD, RN, CNE, and Colleen Nevins, DNP, RN, CNE