Avoiding antipsychotic medication use in nursing home residents with dementiaElderly patients using antipsychotic medications are at a 1.6 to 1.7 times increased of risk of death, and antipsychotic medications are associated with significant…
Adults with chronic kidney disease: Overview and nursing care goalsTakeaways: Millions of adults in the United States have or are at risk for developing chronic kidney disease (CKD); incidence continues to rise and…
#MyNurseChat: A nurse’s role in medical aid in dying with Dr. Leah CurtinRecently, American Nurse launched its first ever #MyNurseChat which focused on the nurse’s role in end-of-life decisions, specifically medical aid in dying. We partnered…
New treatment for peanut allergy in childrenThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved Aimmune Therapeutics’ Palforzia [Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) Allergen Powder-dnfp] for children suffering from peanut allergy. (more…)
Six ways to prevent medication diversion in home careAn article in HomeCare outlines six strategies for preventing medication diversion in the home. (more…)
Turning and repositioning patients who are morbidly obeseTraining, teamwork, and the right equipment can prevent pressure injuries. Takeaways: Bariatric patients have a threefold risk of developing a pressure injury compared to…
Tube feeding aspirationKnow the signs and symptoms of tube feeding aspiration: increased blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate; decreased oxygen saturation; and new onset audible…
Improving practice to reduce falls in the nursing homeFalls, typical incidents among older adults in the nursing home, are associated with debility, functional impairment, and mortality. Falls resulting in injury and medical…
Initial assessment and management of burn patientsIn 2016, more than 200,000 people in the United States were hospitalized with injuries from smoke, fire, or flame exposure; more than 6,000 died.…
Nursing homes: Good intentions, sad realitiesTrained as a licensed practical nurse in 1948, after being a nurse’s aide in Rochester, New York during World War II, Rita Hirschler has…
Detecting elder abuse and neglect: The importance of good skin assessmentEvery year, approximately 4 million older Americans fall victim to abuse and neglect. And for every reported case of elder abuse and neglect, approximately…
Dumping syndrome: Causes, management, and patient educationLearn how to identify and manage this under-recognized syndrome. Takeaways: Dumping syndrome is often misdiagnosed. The clinical manifestations of dumping syndrome are categorized as…
Avoiding antipsychotic medication use in nursing home residents with dementiaElderly patients using antipsychotic medications are at a 1.6 to 1.7 times increased of risk of death, and antipsychotic medications are associated…
Adults with chronic kidney disease: Overview and nursing care goalsTakeaways: Millions of adults in the United States have or are at risk for developing chronic kidney disease (CKD); incidence continues to…
#MyNurseChat: A nurse’s role in medical aid in dying with Dr. Leah CurtinRecently, American Nurse launched its first ever #MyNurseChat which focused on the nurse’s role in end-of-life decisions, specifically medical aid in dying.…
New treatment for peanut allergy in childrenThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved Aimmune Therapeutics’ Palforzia [Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) Allergen Powder-dnfp] for children suffering from peanut…
Six ways to prevent medication diversion in home careAn article in HomeCare outlines six strategies for preventing medication diversion in the home. (more…)
Turning and repositioning patients who are morbidly obeseTraining, teamwork, and the right equipment can prevent pressure injuries. Takeaways: Bariatric patients have a threefold risk of developing a pressure injury…
Tube feeding aspirationKnow the signs and symptoms of tube feeding aspiration: increased blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate; decreased oxygen saturation; and new…
Improving practice to reduce falls in the nursing homeFalls, typical incidents among older adults in the nursing home, are associated with debility, functional impairment, and mortality. Falls resulting in injury…
Initial assessment and management of burn patientsIn 2016, more than 200,000 people in the United States were hospitalized with injuries from smoke, fire, or flame exposure; more than…
Nursing homes: Good intentions, sad realitiesTrained as a licensed practical nurse in 1948, after being a nurse’s aide in Rochester, New York during World War II, Rita…
Detecting elder abuse and neglect: The importance of good skin assessmentEvery year, approximately 4 million older Americans fall victim to abuse and neglect. And for every reported case of elder abuse and…
Dumping syndrome: Causes, management, and patient educationLearn how to identify and manage this under-recognized syndrome. Takeaways: Dumping syndrome is often misdiagnosed. The clinical manifestations of dumping syndrome are…
Avoiding antipsychotic medication use in nursing home residents with dementiaBy: Kelly O’Neill, BSN, MPA, RN, CPHQ; Marilyn Reierson, MS; Kaylie Doyle, MBA; Angel Davis, MBA, MS, BSN, RN; and Jane Pederson, MD, MS
Adults with chronic kidney disease: Overview and nursing care goalsBy: Jennifer Chicca, MS, RN, CNE-cl
#MyNurseChat: A nurse’s role in medical aid in dying with Dr. Leah CurtinBy: Lydia L. Kim, Digital Content Editor
Turning and repositioning patients who are morbidly obeseBy: Melissa Klaeb, PT, DPT, and Bernadette Walters, BSN, RN, CWON®
Initial assessment and management of burn patientsBy: Sarah Strauss, DNP, CNP, RN, and Gordon L. Gillespie, PhD, DNP, RN, CEN, CNE, CPEN, PHCNS-BC, FAEN, FAAN
Detecting elder abuse and neglect: The importance of good skin assessmentBy: Armi S. Earlam, DNP, MPA, BSN, RN, CWOCN; Lisa Woods, MSN, RN-BC, CWOCN; and Kari Lind, BSN, RN
Dumping syndrome: Causes, management, and patient educationBy: Lynnette Rodgers, RN, CDE, EMT, and Carolyn A. Phillips, PhD, RN