Be your own nurse: ForgivenessCOVID-19 has taught us many lessons. Some of those lessons are painful and some are hopeful. In the time of pandemic, focusing on the…
Age in publishing: What’s in a name?Elderly, seniors, aged — what’s the right terminology to use when writing about, well, older people? It’s worth considering this in an era of…
Recognizing stroke symptoms via telephone triageTelephone triage has increased in popularity due to the pandemic. Patients preferred an alternative to visiting an urgent care, physician office or the hospital.…
New report on predatory journalsA new international report on predatory journals tells an alarming tale—the organizations behind these journals are becoming more sophisticated, making detection more difficult for…
An integrative approach to healing the overworked, weary, or traumatized nurseIf you are among many nurses who feel overworked, weary, traumatized, overwhelmed, anxious, irritable, sad, angry, isolated, lonely, or depressed, this article was written…
Nurses and doctors as diplomats in the COVID culture warsGallup polls report that nurses and physicians are the two most trusted professions in the nation. This trust, along with knowledge, clinical skills, and…
Sense of honorHonor encompasses an array of individual characteristics. Some call it character. Words such as dignity and basic decency arise. Honor frequently means simply being…
Sense of DutyImmanuel Kant believed that no action was moral unless performed out of a sense of duty or obligation. Even the word duty suggests that…
Osteoporosis awareness: Be the patient’s advocateAs a nurse practitioner working in orthopedic surgery, I’ve noticed a disturbing trend: Many people I see who have fractures and are over the…
It’s never too late: Tales from a second-career nurseAs a second career nurse, I have life experiences to thank for nudging me in the direction of caring for others in their most…
Work around: Removing barriers to the PhD“I’m sorry. We tried. We really did. But there is no way we can adjust your work schedule to accommodate your school schedule.” When…
Writing effective business emailsHave you ever had someone not respond to your email? Or fail to respond for days on end? Or not answer your question in…
Be your own nurse: ForgivenessCOVID-19 has taught us many lessons. Some of those lessons are painful and some are hopeful. In the time of pandemic, focusing…
Age in publishing: What’s in a name?Elderly, seniors, aged — what’s the right terminology to use when writing about, well, older people? It’s worth considering this in an…
Recognizing stroke symptoms via telephone triageTelephone triage has increased in popularity due to the pandemic. Patients preferred an alternative to visiting an urgent care, physician office or…
New report on predatory journalsA new international report on predatory journals tells an alarming tale—the organizations behind these journals are becoming more sophisticated, making detection more…
An integrative approach to healing the overworked, weary, or traumatized nurseIf you are among many nurses who feel overworked, weary, traumatized, overwhelmed, anxious, irritable, sad, angry, isolated, lonely, or depressed, this article…
Nurses and doctors as diplomats in the COVID culture warsGallup polls report that nurses and physicians are the two most trusted professions in the nation. This trust, along with knowledge, clinical…
Sense of honorHonor encompasses an array of individual characteristics. Some call it character. Words such as dignity and basic decency arise. Honor frequently means…
Sense of DutyImmanuel Kant believed that no action was moral unless performed out of a sense of duty or obligation. Even the word duty…
Osteoporosis awareness: Be the patient’s advocateAs a nurse practitioner working in orthopedic surgery, I’ve noticed a disturbing trend: Many people I see who have fractures and are…
It’s never too late: Tales from a second-career nurseAs a second career nurse, I have life experiences to thank for nudging me in the direction of caring for others in…
Work around: Removing barriers to the PhD“I’m sorry. We tried. We really did. But there is no way we can adjust your work schedule to accommodate your school…
Writing effective business emailsHave you ever had someone not respond to your email? Or fail to respond for days on end? Or not answer your…
An integrative approach to healing the overworked, weary, or traumatized nurseBy: Lorre Laws, PhD, RN
Nurses and doctors as diplomats in the COVID culture warsBy: Ann Lawrence O’Sullivan, PhD, FAAN, CRNP; Sharon Y. Irving, PhD, CRNP, FCCM, FAAN, FASPEN; June Treston, DNP, CRNP; Jeffrey C. Lerner, PhD; Norbert Goldfield, MD
Writing effective business emailsBy: Cynthia Saver, MS, RN, editorial director for American Nurse Journal