A new gold standardModern yet timeless Code guides decision-making wherever nursing practice occurs. For 23 consecutive years, the American public has ranked nurses as the most honest…
Brand mattersToday, nurses are the vital force, or as I like to say, the heartbeat of healthcare. We’re trusted above all to provide care wherever…
Elect to engageThe work of advancing nursing’s agenda continues. A polarizing presidential and general election took place on November 5, and in its aftermath, I’ve heard…
Making things happenGuide our profession via American Nurses Association and state association service. In my high school yearbook, my senior quote reads, “Some people watch things…
Centered on nursesVisionary programs tailor-made for RNs’ ideas and needs The nation’s healthcare system, complex and challenging, also appreciates innovation. Nurses see opportunities to improve processes…
Answering the callNurses are uniquely qualified for public service. Nurses have a unique status in our healthcare system and our nation. Ranked in public opinion polls…
Collective wisdomIn late June, nearly 400 knowledgeable and insightful nurse leaders met in Washington, DC, for the American Nurses Association (ANA) Membership Assembly, ANA’s official…
Valuing nursingGroundbreaking and crucial work led by the ANA Enterprise Institute for Nursing Research and Quality Management will have a profound impact on how nurses…
Mental health mattersThis month, the Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) at the American Nurses Association celebrates its 50th anniversary of supporting graduate-level nursing students from historically marginalized…
A diversified professionAll nurses—regardless of gender—should be concerned that the nursing profession remains predominantly female. In 2023, men comprised just 12.6% of RNs and 10.2% of…
Nurses make the differenceThrough patient care, in the halls of legislatures, as managers and executives, and in communities across the country, nurses make the difference. As the…
Turning the tideThe unacceptably high level of maternal mortality in the United States reflects a failing of our entire healthcare system and calls nurses, as the…
A new gold standardModern yet timeless Code guides decision-making wherever nursing practice occurs. For 23 consecutive years, the American public has ranked nurses as the…
Brand mattersToday, nurses are the vital force, or as I like to say, the heartbeat of healthcare. We’re trusted above all to provide…
Elect to engageThe work of advancing nursing’s agenda continues. A polarizing presidential and general election took place on November 5, and in its aftermath,…
Making things happenGuide our profession via American Nurses Association and state association service. In my high school yearbook, my senior quote reads, “Some people…
Centered on nursesVisionary programs tailor-made for RNs’ ideas and needs The nation’s healthcare system, complex and challenging, also appreciates innovation. Nurses see opportunities to…
Answering the callNurses are uniquely qualified for public service. Nurses have a unique status in our healthcare system and our nation. Ranked in public…
Collective wisdomIn late June, nearly 400 knowledgeable and insightful nurse leaders met in Washington, DC, for the American Nurses Association (ANA) Membership Assembly,…
Valuing nursingGroundbreaking and crucial work led by the ANA Enterprise Institute for Nursing Research and Quality Management will have a profound impact on…
Mental health mattersThis month, the Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) at the American Nurses Association celebrates its 50th anniversary of supporting graduate-level nursing students from…
A diversified professionAll nurses—regardless of gender—should be concerned that the nursing profession remains predominantly female. In 2023, men comprised just 12.6% of RNs and…
Nurses make the differenceThrough patient care, in the halls of legislatures, as managers and executives, and in communities across the country, nurses make the difference.…
Turning the tideThe unacceptably high level of maternal mortality in the United States reflects a failing of our entire healthcare system and calls nurses,…
Centered on nursesBy: Jennifer Mensik Kennedy, PhD, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN & Kathy Driscoll, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, CCM