Supporting patients with end-of-life conversationsI’m an operating room RN who has worked in a hospital environment for over 25 years. Five years ago, my husband died from pancreatic…
Academy designates five nurse leaders as Living LegendsThe American Academy of Nursing will officially designate five exceptional leaders as Living Legends at the Academy’s Transforming Health, Driving Policy conference in Washington,…
Creating the future through bold decision-makingONS leaders employ an innovative approach to strategic planning. (more…)
Your brain on optimismPositive nursing role models know how to train their brain to be more optimistic. (more…)
FDA announces Project OrbisThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced Project Orbis, a new initiative from the FDA Oncology Center of Excellence (OCE), which will…
Music and the power to healThe other day I read an article in The New York Times about music therapy. The article included the story of a nurse who…
Total pancreatectomy with islet cell autologous transplantation: A treatment modality for patients with chronic pancreatitis painONE IN FIVE patients diagnosed with acute pancreatitis will develop recurrent acute pancreatitis, and one in three of them will develop chronic pancreatitis (CP),…
Healthy Nurse Healthy Nation Year Two HighlightsOn May 1, 2017, ANA Enterprise launched a bold initiative—Healthy Nurse, Healthy NationTM (HNHN) Grand Challenge—to transform the health of our nation by first…
Radiology nursing: A growing specialtyFind out if you have what it takes to pursue this fast-paced career path. Takeaways: Radiology nursing is a little-known specialty that’s not always…
Colorectal cancers on the rise…in young adultsResearch coming out of the United States and Canada is showing an increase in colorectal cancers among men and women under 50 years old.…
FDA approves first PI3K inhibitor for breast cancerOn May 24, the FDA approved Piqray (alpelisib) tablets, to be used in combination with fulvestrant, to treat postmenopausal women, and men, with hormone…
FDA approves first targeted therapy for bladder cancerOn April 12, the FDA approved Balversa (erdafitinib) for adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic bladder cancer that has a susceptible genetic alteration…
Supporting patients with end-of-life conversationsI’m an operating room RN who has worked in a hospital environment for over 25 years. Five years ago, my husband died…
Academy designates five nurse leaders as Living LegendsThe American Academy of Nursing will officially designate five exceptional leaders as Living Legends at the Academy’s Transforming Health, Driving Policy conference…
Creating the future through bold decision-makingONS leaders employ an innovative approach to strategic planning. (more…)
Your brain on optimismPositive nursing role models know how to train their brain to be more optimistic. (more…)
FDA announces Project OrbisThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced Project Orbis, a new initiative from the FDA Oncology Center of Excellence (OCE),…
Music and the power to healThe other day I read an article in The New York Times about music therapy. The article included the story of a…
Total pancreatectomy with islet cell autologous transplantation: A treatment modality for patients with chronic pancreatitis painONE IN FIVE patients diagnosed with acute pancreatitis will develop recurrent acute pancreatitis, and one in three of them will develop chronic…
Healthy Nurse Healthy Nation Year Two HighlightsOn May 1, 2017, ANA Enterprise launched a bold initiative—Healthy Nurse, Healthy NationTM (HNHN) Grand Challenge—to transform the health of our nation…
Radiology nursing: A growing specialtyFind out if you have what it takes to pursue this fast-paced career path. Takeaways: Radiology nursing is a little-known specialty that’s…
Colorectal cancers on the rise…in young adultsResearch coming out of the United States and Canada is showing an increase in colorectal cancers among men and women under 50…
FDA approves first PI3K inhibitor for breast cancerOn May 24, the FDA approved Piqray (alpelisib) tablets, to be used in combination with fulvestrant, to treat postmenopausal women, and men,…
FDA approves first targeted therapy for bladder cancerOn April 12, the FDA approved Balversa (erdafitinib) for adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic bladder cancer that has a susceptible…
Supporting patients with end-of-life conversationsBy: Response by Donna Casey, DNP, MA, RN, NE-BC, FABC, chair of ANA’s Center for Ethics and Human Rights Advisory Board
Total pancreatectomy with islet cell autologous transplantation: A treatment modality for patients with chronic pancreatitis painBy: Kimberly Rivera, DNP, RN-BC, OCN; Amanda Rosenburg, BSN, RN-BC; and Kristen Burns, BSN, RN-BC, OCN
Colorectal cancers on the rise…in young adultsBy: Julie Cullen, Managing Editor, American Nurse Today