Leading the Way

10 tips boost employee engagement ant

10 tips to boost employee engagement

Employee engagement begins with an organization’s leaders… Management expert Ken Blanchard once said, “What motivates people is what motivates people” meaning that each person is motivated in his or…

5 steps to interim manager success

Turn a challenge into an opportunity. Takeaways: The interim nurse manager role can be extremely complex and challenging but is crucial for department stability, leadership continuity, patient safety,…

A call for healthy role models

As the largest category of healthcare professionals, nurses can play a critical role in tackling public health crises and providing education.

A conversation with Patricia Flatley Brennan

Patricia Flatley Brennan, PhD, RN, FAAN, is the director of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world’s largest biomedical library and the producer of digital information services used by scientists, health…

A diversified profession

All nurses—regardless of gender—should be concerned that the nursing profession remains predominantly female. In 2023, men comprised just 12.6% of RNs and 10.2% of nurse practitioners (NPs), according…

A leader’s guide to implementing evidence-based practice

NURSE LEADERS, managers, directors, and chief nursing officers have considerable influence on the implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP) in their units, departments, and organizations. However, resistance to change…

A veteran and an entrepreneur

Brian Mohika took setbacks in stride and found success.  United States Air Force veteran Brian Mohika, BSN, RN, has advocated for patient comfort his entire career. Starting as…
ethics human rights cornerstone award

Academy recognizes nurse leaders for contributions

These nurses have positively influenced healthcare. The American Academy of Nursing (Academy) honored four nurse leaders during the 2019 Transforming Health, Driving Policy Conference for their outstanding contributions…

Accommodating and building bridges

Rose Constantino is inducted into the ANA Hall of Fame. In her 57-year career, Rose Constantino, PhD, JD, RN, FAAN, FACFE, has found success in both of her…

Adverse event reporting and root cause analysis

Increasing nurses’ understanding can reduce errors. Takeaways Maintaining patient safety is pivotal to nursing practice; the complexities of healthcare call for more in-depth attention to recognizing adverse events,…
advice millennial nurse ant

Advice for millennial nurses

How do you become a great leader in a multigenerational workplace? Takeaways: Millennials who strive to be leaders must embrace rules of engagement, read leadership books, make a…
advocate nurses board Cole edmonson ana

Advocating for nurses on boards

As part of its ongoing initiative sponsored by the Rita & Alex Hillman Foundation to recognize nurses in board leadership roles, the American Nurses Foundation interviewed Cole Edmonson, DNP,…

Assessing unit culture

Health systems grapple with the uneasy balance between creating excellent patient experiences and protecting the workforce. Many have started crisis prevention and intervention training, but staff may feel…
avoid nurse career derailers

Avoiding career derailers

By Rose O. Sherman, EdD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN Accepting the gift of feedback can lead to transformative change. Key Takeaways – Nurse retention is closely linked to the…

Benefits of feedback for nurse leaders

Viewing feedback as a gift enhances career growth. Takeaways: Without feedback, beginning nurse leaders’ careers can be derailed Constructive feedback can lead to significant performance improvements. Individuals with…

Boosting your influence

Jessie was excited to be appointed as chair of the professional practice council in her hospital. She envisioned being able to quickly engage staff in the work of…

Brick by brick

Building a foundation for a stronger healthcare system Early in her career, Betty Rambur, PhD, RN, FAAN, grew concerned about what she saw as unnecessary care. This interest…

Building a sense of community on nursing units

Jeff Rawson, a new nurse graduate, works on a behavioral health unit. His manager believes his transition is going well—until Jeff asks to transfer to another unit. When…

Building trust in your leadership

Steve recently accepted an emergency department (ED) director position in a busy safety-net hospital. He knew the role would be challenging; the hospital had been through four ED directors in…
building resiliency

Building your resiliency

With perspective and a few tools, turn failure to your benefit. Takeaways:  Failure to achieve a goal can lead to doubts about our skills and abilities.  Adopting an…
called to serve

Called to serve

RN elected to Florida legislature shares her insights. WHEN she saw an open seat in the Florida House of Representatives, Janegale Boyd, RN, decided to take a chance…

Change for the better

ANA liaison to the ACIP has a lifelong commitment to public health.  Chad Rittle, DNP, MPH, RN, FAAOHN, associate professor of nursing at Chatham University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,…

Change maker

Dori Healey is passionate about patient safety, public service, and volunteering. President-elect for American Nurses Association (ANA)-Idaho, Dori Healey, MSN-RN, MBA-HA, CPPS, takes every opportunity to advance the…

Choosing your political battles

Mary*, a new manager in the operating room, prides herself on being a strong advocate for her staff, quickly acting on every issue with which she’s presented. So…

CNO-CFO collaboration for safe nurse staffing

Steps for building a partnership. Takeaways: Collaboration between chief nursing and finance officers builds trust and is essential to address the challenges of balancing the resources needed to…

Coffee and conversation gets new staff up and running

Endoscopy nurse leaders take a unique training approach. Takeaways: Coffee and Conversation, a novel approach to in-service education, serves as an efficient and effective method for providing specialty-specific…
ANA Hall of Fame

Collaborating and building relationships

Barbara Nichols is inducted into the ANA Hall of Fame.   Barbara L. Nichols Barbara L. Nichols, MSN, RN, DSNc (Hon), FAAN, is known for her visionary leadership and political…
Nursing careers and education

Collaboration: The key to healthcare transformation

Transforming health care is a complex challenge that can best be met through a coordinated response from academia and clinical practice. Working together, chief nursing officers (CNOs) and academic leaders ensure that clinicians…

Communication tips for nurse leaders

Build trust with active listening and a positive work environment. Takeaways: Emotional intelligence—which includes active listening, empathy, and compassion—refers to your ability to understand and manage your own…

Confronting the fear of missing out

Natalie* has been the manager of a surgical unit for 6 months. It’s her first leadership role, and she’s exhausted. Most of her day is spent attending meetings…

Consider the role of committee chair

You find yourself wanting to dip your toe into the waters of leadership, but you’re unsure how to start. Various types of leadership styles exist, but what’s yours?…

Cultivating change

Staying ahead of healthcare delivery changes and current trends can help nurse leaders determine where to allocate time and resources.

Dealing with difficult people

Jackie Jacobs is a charge nurse in a busy intensive care unit. She prides herself on being able to get along well with almost everyone on her team.…

Discover nursing innovation

What does nurse-led innovation look like? Do you know it when you see it? Maybe you read an article, watched a video, or came across work happening within…
discovering true north ant

Discovering your true north

Rediscover your authentic self and regain your moral compass. By Rose O. Sherman, EdD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, and Tanya M. Cohn, PhD, MEd, RN Takeaways: Your moral compass keeps…
leadership insight compass questions answers interview

Do the right thing

“Doing the right thing is not easy, but it needs to be done,” observed Captain Jacqlyn Sanchez, RNCOB, as she recalled a difficult time in her career with…

Don’t say “no” to yourself

Anne Manton is inducted into the ANA Hall of Fame.  Anne Manton, PhD, RN, FAEN, FAAN, has made contributions to the nursing profession that continue to reverberate. Her…

Effective advocacy

Katie Boston-Leary wants nurses to shape the future. Katie Boston-Leary, PhD, MBA, MHA, RN, NEA-BC, is director of nursing programs at the American Nurses Association (ANA). She is…

Embrace the challenge

Inspirational leadership, outstanding clinical skills, and exceptional teamwork were just a few of the professional attributes cited when Lieutenant Commander LaTarya Gulley, MSN, APRN, ACCNS-N, was named the…
emerging trends nursing

Emerging trends in nursing

RNs embrace roles beyond the bedside. Seun Ross, DNP, MSN, CRNP-F, NP-C, NEA-BC, is the director of Nursing Practice and Work Environment at the American Nurses Association (ANA). She’s…

Enculturating the value of process improvement

Staff engagement within a culture of ownership and accountability makes the difference between successfully achieving and sustaining organizational outcomes. As healthcare organizations respond to the external pressures of…

Enhance your self-awareness to be an authentic leader

In 2013 alone, U.S. organizations spent more than $15 billion on leadership development activities. Although much of these expenses focus on external programming, including face-to-face workshops, webinars, and…

Environmental health influencers

Katie Huffling knows nurses can create a healthier world.  Katie Huffling While attending midwifery school, Katie Huffling, DNP, RN, CNM, FAAN, learned how environmental exposures can impact pregnancy…

Face your fears and forge ahead

Cathleen Wheatley steps up to a challenge. Cathleen Wheatley, DNP, RN, CENP, is president of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston Salem, North Carolina, a position she…

Fill your own cup first

As a professor of nursing at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), Susanne Fogger DNP, PMHNP-BC, CARN-AP, FAAN, FAANP, ­combines teaching on behavioral health issues with a…

Financial terms 101

Key takeaways Only after we enter the practice setting do we begin to understand the ever-evolving impact of healthcare finance. Learning the nuances of healthcare finance becomes critical…

Finding the voice within

For millennial nurses, involvement in community leadership through professional associations such as the National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN) can be integral to developing leadership competencies and skills.…
Fpcusing on the quadruple aim of health care

Focusing on the quadruple aim of health care

Novel approaches can improve the experiences of those who deliver care. Key Takeaways Quarterly employee engagement surveys with accompanying action plans can improve patient and employee satisfaction. Staff…

Food is medicine

Nurses address social determinants of health on Chicago’s West Side. (more…)
forensic files

Forensic files

Bringing nursing expertise to the fight against violence. NANCY CABELUS, DNP, APRN, AFN-BC, a Connecticut Nurses Association member, has been a state trooper, a major crimes detective, a forensic…
middleman nurse middle organization power leader

From our readers: Nurses leading from the middle

Nurse leaders are needed at all levels of the organization, especially in “the middle,” which is commonly used to describe mid-level management positions. Middle managers are essential to…

Gaining confidence in public speaking

EVA, a professional practice coordinator, and her team of clinical educators are thrilled to learn that their abstract on an iLead in Nursing initiative (Innovation in LEadership and ADministration in Nursing and…
judith huntington ant

Grab a seat at the table

ANA’s 2016 Distinguished Membership Award recipient wants to see nurses on the campaign trail. A passion for working with children and families inspired Judith Huntington, MN, RN, to begin…
gratitude interventions nurses

Gratitude interventions for nurses

Innovate and track the outcomes. By Karen Gabel Speroni, PhD, BSN, MHSA, RN Gratitude is a simple concept that we’re all familiar with, but it may be difficult…

Health knowledge is power

Carli Zegers is creating systems change from the inside out. Carli Zegers, PhD, MBA, APRN, FNP-BC, has a passion for health literacy, the subject of her extensive research…

Healthy Nurse, Healthy New Jersey

Leadership principles help guide campaign for RNs’ health. EDITOR’S NOTE: New Jersey State Nurses Association (NJSNA) received the ANA Enterprise’s Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Partners All In Award…
healthy schedule nurse ant

Healthy schedules, healthy nurses

Fatigue is common among shift-work nurses, and longer shifts and overtime are associated with increased patient errors and undesirable nurse health outcomes. Consistent with the American Nurses Association’s…

High school nurse camp

Piedmont Fayette Hospital in Fayetteville, Georgia, continues to experience the impact of workforce shortages affecting many healthcare organizations. According to the World Health Organization, the United States will…
Big Data

How big data can improve health care

Heather seems agitated as she describes the upcoming conference session to colleagues. “It’s about big data. You know—so much data that a regular computer can’t analyze it all.”…

How reliable is your bedside shift report?

Traditional bedside shift reporting may not focus on specific patient safety prevention methods.  An enhanced assessment can include targeted evidence-based actions designed to standardize patient safety into a…

How to avoid biased thinking

Jessica, a Millennial (Generation Y) nurse working on a medical-surgical unit, recently completed her first year of practice. Ralph, her manager, is pleased with her transition and believes…
preceptor, american nurse, nursing journal, healthcare

How to be a good preceptee

Take advantage of orientation to hone skills and build confidence.  Takeaways: Orientation aids nurses’ personal and professional growth, helps to reduce turnover rate, and improves overall patient outcomes.…

Human touch

Linda Hofler knows how to bring data to life.   After nearly 40 years in nursing, Linda Hofler, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, retired in 2020 as senior vice president–nurse executive/chief…
identify stop childhood bully sally Cohen ant

Identifying and stopping childhood bullying

As the 2014-2015 Distinguished Nurse Scholar-in-Residence at the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academies (now the National Academy of Medicine), Sally S. Cohen, PhD, RN, FAAN,…

Improving your coaching skills

Susan is a seasoned nurse on a telemetry unit. One day, she arrives 20 minutes late, without explanation, to a mock code that the unit clinical educator is…
Informal leaders and cultural change

Informal leaders and cultural change

Informal leaders are crucial to the success of a change involving the nursing team, yet they are often overlooked. A literature search of nursing publications over the past…
innovation nurses

Innovation needs nurses

Make the business case for high-tech patient care. Dan Weberg, PhD, RN, is senior director of innovation and leadership for Kaiser Permanente’s national nursing leadership and strategy team…
inspire transformational leadership

Inspire others through transformational leadership

Transformational leaders inspire followers to achieve extraordinary outcomes and, in the process, develop their own leadership capacity. They foster employees’ confidence to produce creative outcomes and sustain a…

Inspired healthcare

A nurse-led care transformation model. Takeaways: The nursing profession must take a lead role in the transformation of care delivery. Success can be achieved by clinical nurses observing…

Inspired healthcare

A nurse-led care transformation model. Takeaways: The nursing profession must take a lead role in the transformation of care delivery. Success can be achieved by clinical nurses observing…
interoperability explained

Interoperability explained

Advocate for data sharing that optimizes patient care and outcomes.  Takeaways: Interoperability occurs when two or more systems exchange health information. Nursing is the vanguard of patient-centered care,…
interprofessional education patient care

Interprofessional education

Nurse leader aims to improve patient care.  SHANNON COLE, DNP, APRN-BC, from Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, is an avid proponent of interprofessional education. She sees it as…
interprofessional practice

Interprofessional practice: A blueprint for success

Professional identity and role clarity are essential components. Takeaways: Professional role clarity is integral to successful interprofessional collaborative practice. Role-based collaborative practice by all stakeholders deepens and broadens…

Introverts can be nurse leaders, too

Natalie Sanchez recently was promoted to a nurse manager position. So far, she thinks, things are going well. She is starting to feel comfortable with her new role…
investments success ant

Investments for success

Nurse leader embraces financial planning and pays it forward. After needing to raise money for her first nursing school admission fee, Irene Trowell-Harris, EdD, RN, Major General, USAF,…

Karen Bankston: A leader who listens

ANA’S Mary Mahoney Award honors significant contributions to advancing equal opportunities in nursing for members of minority groups. Karen Bankston, PhD, MSN, FACHE, has devoted much of her career to…
Preventing preceptor burnout

Leadership and women’s health

As women, we’re often the main caregivers in the family—caring for children, parents, siblings, extended family, and friends. Being a caregiver is also synonymous with nursing—the caring profession—…

Leading at the bedside and beyond

A typical definition for a leader is one who has the ability to influence. Florence Nightingale, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King readily come to mind for their…

Leading the nursing profession

A roadmap for every nurse leader’s career journey Ongoing challenges related to the pandemic have stretched nurse leaders and their teams in unexpected ways. How do you respond…

Leading the way to professional well-being

A recent report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine estimates that between 35% and 54% of U.S. nurses and providers, across all clinical disciplines and…

Leading through failure

I have served as a nurse corps officer in the United States Air Force for 27 years. One of my most useful leadership lessons came from understanding the…
Leading with self-empathy

Leading with self-empathy

Self-empathy can help leaders find meaning and purpose during difficult times.   Nurse leaders are responsible for bringing out the best in others, and empathy has long been identified…

Legacies of leadership

In recognition of Black History Month, the American Nurses Association (ANA) is pleased to highlight extraordinary nurse leaders for their outstanding contributions to healthcare equity and diversity. The…

Let’s huddle up

In healthcare, a lack of communication and teamwork can lead to patient safety issues and errors, which can decrease team morale and patient satisfaction.
living legends

Living Legends make their mark on nursing

Accomplishments positively impact health and healthcare FOR SOME NURSES, their work stands the test of time. Such is the case with seven nurse leaders who received the American…

Look inward and lead

At first, Faith’s excited to be selected as director of critical care, but after spending time with her fellow directors she has second thoughts. She’s not as outgoing…
nurse reflections

Managing new nurse fear and anxiety

Workforce evidence collected through the Nurse Wellbeing at Risk survey indicates that the youngest nurses are experiencing more mental health and well-being challenges. Including resilience content into new…

Master class

After more than 45 years as an RN and over 3 decades as an accomplished and cherished leader, ANA Enterprise CEO Loressa Cole, DNP, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN,…

Meet Jennifer Mensik Kennedy

ANA’s 38th president starts her term on January 1, 2023. Jennifer Mensik Kennedy, PhD, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, starts her 2-year term as 38th president of the American…
meet ana enterprise ceo loressa cole

Meet the new ANA Enterprise CEO

Loressa Cole: Lifelong commitment to making a difference Loressa Cole, DNP, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, FACHE, celebrated National Nurses Week as the new chief executive officer (CEO) of the…

Mitigating the threat of lost knowledge

A looming shortage of expert nurses requires strategies to accelerate knowledge transfer. Takeaways: Healthcare organizations are facing the challenge of retaining expert knowledge as the nursing workforce transitions…

Navigating an environment of continuous change

Plan, communicate, and collaborate for success. Brad is an emergency department (ED) director in a hospital that was a COVID-19 hotspot, but as a result of widespread vaccination,…
organizational politics political listen selfaware relationships help promote

Navigating organizational politics

Editor’s note: At American Nurse Today, we believe every nurse can be a leader. This article is the first in a series by Rose Sherman, founder of the…

Nephrology nurse leaders

Rising to the pandemic’s challenges  As the COVID-19 pandemic has unfolded, healthcare workers worldwide have grappled with the ravaging effects of this novel infectious disease. When it became…

Nurse leaders and advocacy

Safeguarding nurses’ scope of practice and the profession.   Nursing leadership means different things to different nurses. As executive director of the American Nurses Association\California (ANA\C), my leadership is…

Nurse turnover: Understand it, reduce it

Managing turnover is about mindfully creating a workplace culture that supports high performers financially, intellectually, and psychologically while at the same time providing a means to efficiently and…
nurses lead choosing wisely campaign

Nurses lead progress in Choosing Wisely® Campaign

Call for implementation and evaluation of evidence-based recommendations. NURSES are masters at guiding wise choices and an obvious partner when the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Foundation…

Nursing luminaries honored

ANA President Ernest J. Grant receives the Civitas Award.  The American Academy of Nursing (Academy) honored five distinguished nursing leaders during its 2021 Health Policy Conference in October…

Partnerships for better care

What can public–private partnerships do for nursing’s future? How does full scope of practice benefit nurses and patients? This article is available to American Nurses Association members and…
psychiatric nursing plant a tree

Plant a tree

“Years ago, someone planted a tree that provides shade for us today,” said Barbara Jones Warren, PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC, FNAP, FAAN, when asked about her commitment to mentorship…

Powering policy

Darlene Curley wants more nurse leaders in office. Darlene J. Curley, EdD, RN, FAAN, is an advisor and assistant professor at the Center for Health Policy at Columbia…
NurseLeaders_Health policy

Powering policy with nurse expertise

Jeri Milstead is inducted into the ANA Hall of Fame. Jeri Milstead, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, has built her legacy on advocating for nurses’ involvement in local, state,…
nurse manager job satisfaction retention

Promote nurse manager job satisfaction and retention

With support, education, and work-life balance, we can develop a new generation of nurse managers. Takeaways: Nurse managers are experiencing significant changes to their roles with expanded scope…
promoting professional accountability ownership

Promoting professional accountability and ownership

Nursing leaders set the tone for a culture of professional responsibility. Takeaways: Professional accountability is a commitment that you make to yourself and your career when you become a…

Promoting staff engagement

Jaime is a nurse manager in a busy emergency department. He’s been in the role for 1 year and was beginning to gain confidence in his leadership abilities. Last…
protect and defend

Protect and defend

Edie Brous wants nurses to protect their livelihoods.   Edie Brous While working on her master’s degree, Edie Brous, JD, MSN, MPH, RN, took a course on collective bargaining…

Racial disparities in healthcare

This descriptive, qualitative study used semi-structured interviews developed by an advisory team and research staff. We framed interview questions to understand the experience of Black nurses who provide…

Rebuilding teamwork after a turbulent time

Focus on safety and trust. Takeaways: Research indicates that many nurses who joined teams during the pandemic feel less connected to other team members. With intentional work that…

Releasing our attachments to the past

Jake, a critical care nursing director, works for a large healthcare system that has invested heavily in testing the use of robots to support operational tasks and provide…

Room at the top

It’s not often that aspiring medical students go to nursing school. But Julian Gallegos, PhD, MBA, RN, FNP-BC, CNL, FAUNA, wanted to acquire patient experience while taking his…

Seizing opportunities for positive change

A summer job changed Christopher Otto’s career path—and ultimately his life—igniting a passion for providing care to critically ill cardiac patients and working to prevent heart disease among the…
communication disconnect triangle norms drama conflict avoid unclear clear

Squashing the communication triangle

In the infamous and deadly Bermuda Triangle, things seem to disappear, never to be seen again. In the communication triangle, the opposite is true: Emotions and unintended messages…
health equity

Staying in the fight

The day I was inducted into the Naval Academy as a midshipman, I took an oath swearing to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and…
strategies nurse leaders

Strategies for nurse leaders

Turn your vision into a road map for others. AUDREY M. STEVENSON, PhD, MPH, MSN, FNP-BC, has spent much of her 30-year career in nursing and public health…

Striving to serve

Willa Fuller’s vision: A nation of nurse advocates Willa Fuller, BSN, RN, has led the Florida Nurses Association (FNA) as executive director for 14 years. This role culminates…
diabetes care

Success is not final, failure is not fatal…

It takes courage to keep growing and achieve your vision.  The rich and evolving field of nursing provides a variety of ways to positively impact the people we…

Support nurses with job embeddedness

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the nursing role has expanded to include emotional supporter, caregiver, and the last person a patient bonds with before they die. The extreme patient…

Take the chance

Jeannine Rivet’s legacy developed one leap of faith at a time. This article is available to American Nurses Association members and ANJ subscribers only. Already a member? Log…

Taking the first steps to serving on a board

Nurses have a singular perspective on patient care and community health. With our training and experience, we can inform and improve healthcare decisions in ways that complement those…
imperative humble leadership ant

The imperative of humble leadership

By Donna Grande, MGA Empower your team through shared responsibility. In this world of social media, where people focus on self-promotion, it seems odd to address the issue…

The importance of executive presence

Paula is excited when her health system announces the position of chief nursing informatics officer. With her strong informatics background and years of leadership experience as her hospital’s…
explaining why

The importance of explaining why

Nadia Rodriquez is a leader on a hospital steering committee that has been working on introducing new practice standards for its obstetric units. The standards are part of…

The Joint Commission: How to prepare and what to expect

Many healthcare organizations find preparing for regulatory and accreditation surveys challenging. Between the unannounced aspect of surveys and everyday challenges, such as staffing shortages and varying patient acuity,…
leader coach ant

The leader coach

Millennials expect more coaching and regular feedback than past generations in the workplace. A leader-coach mindset requires collaborative skills and less advice-giving.

The leader within

Roxana Chicas had it in her all along. Roxana Chicas Sometimes it takes a person looking at you from the outside to recognize your leadership qualities. That’s what…

The more you know

Janice Phillips, PhD, RN, CENP, FAAN, is director of nursing research and health equity at Rush University Medical Center and an associate professor in the Rush University College…
nurse grow role media ant

The nurse’s growing role in media

Use your clinical expertise to communicate with your community. By Alice Benjamin, MSN, RN, ACNS-BC It’s no secret that nurses are the heartbeat of healthcare, working long hours…

The patient engagement imperative

Engaging patients is essential to ensure optimal reimbursement. Here are tips for engagement that leaders can apply in their organizations
leadership recipe

The perfect recipe for leadership

A nurse and diabetes educator reflects on being sensitive to patients’ needs. By Apryl Motley, CAE Start with specialized skills, then add a measure of sensitivity and a…

The perils of perfectionism in nursing

Perfectionism is a weakness masquerading as a strength. A perfectionist approach can cause even the best and brightest people to feel unmotivated, devalued, dependent, disempowered, frustrated, and ultimately…

The power of Lean Six Sigma

Lean and Six Sigma are well-established quality improvement tools. Combining the two creates a synergistic effect, boosting effectiveness. In the hospital where I work, we used Lean Six…

The power of perspective

Christine Pacini wants nurses’ expertise to drive change. Takeaways: When frontline nurses feel empowered to lead, patient outcomes improve, work flow is safer and more efficient, and nurses…

Three first steps for effective succession planning

In light of the predicted nursing shortage, nursing leaders need to take strategic action to prepare nurses to assume key leadership roles in the near future. Proactive succession planning programs are a key…

Too young to be a nurse leader?

Marla Johnson began her career on an oncology unit after graduating from a BSN program 4 years ago. She achieved certification and regularly takes charge on the night…
transcending comfort zone

Transcending your comfort zone

Embrace the challenge of leaving your comfort zone and reap the rewards. By Rose O. Sherman, EdD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN Jackie works in a coronary care unit. Recently, she…
Transitioning From Peer to Leader

Transitioning from peer to leader

Manage former peers with diplomacy. Kayla was excited about her recent promotion to nurse manager on a pediatric unit. She joined the team 4 years ago as a…

Uplifting nurses

Associations respond to member needs in a pandemic. In 2020, what kept me up at night was nurses’ well-being and how they’ve been dealing with the impact of…

Using leadership power wisely

Learn how to use power in the service of others. Takeaways:  Leaders are entrusted with power and are expected to use it wisely. Sources of power include coercive,…
Nurse staffing

Viewpoint: Putting money at the bedside

Teamwork has proven to be effective in creating strategies to improve patient outcomes. The Joint Commission, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS), clinical professionals, healthcare providers, hospital associations,…
aacn, healthcare, registered nurse, nursing journal

Voice and vaccinations

Boldness is a cultural journey. Connie BardenAmanda Bettencourt Beth WathenDana Woods The COVID-19 pandemic places nurses firmly in the public square with compelling professional and public leadership opportunities.…

What followers want in their nurse leaders

Why would anyone want you to lead them? That’s a question nurses rarely ask themselves before they take on leadership positions. But it’s an important one, because if…

What you can learn from failure

Editor’s note: At American Nurse Today, we believe every nurse can be a leader. Rose Sherman, founder of the Emerging RN Leader blog (www.emergingrnleader.com), contributes articles on a…

When a patient refuses a nurse assignment

Although prioritizing patients’ needs remains the core value of healthcare, awareness of healthcare workers’ experiences with prejudice perpetrated by patients continues to increase.
When staff disengage

When staff disengage

Re-engagement is a two-way street.   Takeaways: Research indicates that pandemic experiences have led nurses to disengage at a rate twice that of other healthcare staff. Current staffing challenges…

Why quitting is hard

Kate Sheldon is the director of acute care services in a medical center that’s part of a larger system. She recently completed her doctorate and is ready to…

Why timing is crucial in leadership

For the last 2 years, Karen, the manager of a critical care unit, has been laying the groundwork for her unit to apply for the Beacon Award for…
nursing network matter ant

Why your nursing networks matter

Networks help you advance your career, provide high-quality care, and support your colleagues. Takeaways: Professional networks are crucially connected to quality patient care. Building a professional network can…
journey authentic leadership ant

Your journey to authentic leadership

Our trajectory as nurse leaders frequently begins when someone notices our clinical acumen and informal leadership skills. We’re handed a set of keys to an office and asked to…

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skin cancer tyk

Which type of skin cancer is the deadliest, despite accounting for only 1% of all skin cancer cases?

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