‘Smart’ drug not beneficialNovember 13, 2014The “smart” drug Modafinil, which many students take to improve their ability to study and increase exam success does not increase cognition and slows reaction time, according to…
Bariatric surgeries comparedNovember 13, 2014According to a study in JAMA Surgery, laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass results in much greater weight loss and fewer reoperations compared to laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, but is…
Best practices for integrating technology into nurse communication processesNovember 10, 2014Communication within a hospital, health system, or clinic is profoundly important. When it breaks down, clinical outcomes may be affected directly. According to The Joint Commission, 62% of…
Brushing up on mouth care for cancer patients with mucositisNovember 10, 2014Chemotherapy and radiation used to treat head and neck cancers, as well as high-dose chemotherapy given to stem-cell transplant patients, can damage the mucosa of the oral cavity…
Caring for patients in respiratory failureNovember 10, 2014Respiratory failure is one of the most common reasons for admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) and a common comorbidity in patients admitted for acute care. What’s…
Connecting leadership at the bedside to improvementNovember 10, 2014Now more than ever, the U.S. healthcare industry realizes that public scrutiny, payer analysis, and heightened government oversight are shining a laser-beam focus on patient outcomes that result…
Creating high-performance interprofessional teamsNovember 10, 2014Kate Summer, a nurse case manager on a telemetry unit, is leading an initiative to reduce the 30-day readmission rate of older patients with heart failure. She knows…
Do you hear what I hear? Combating alarm fatigueNovember 10, 2014As you enter your unit to begin your shift, a cacophony of alarms from multiple devices greets you. The cacophony continues throughout your entire shift. Various devices, including…
Ebola resourcesOctober 30, 2014Access ebola-related resources from Nebraska Medicine and the American Nurses Association.
ECRI announces top technology hazards for 2015November 26, 2014The ECRI Institute has announced its Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2015, which include alarm hazards, mix-up of IV lines, lack of data integrity, and inadequate reprocessing…
Evolution or revolution? Smartphone use in nursing practiceNovember 10, 2014Since smartphones were introduced in 2002, a communications revolution has taken place. We talk on our smartphones, we text on them, we take pictures and post them to…
FDA approves vaccine for meningococcal diseaseOctober 30, 2014On Oct. 29, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Trumenba, the first vaccine licensed in the United States to prevent invasive meningococcal disease caused by Neisseria…
From your ANA President and ANF ChairNovember 10, 2014We both have been fortunate to enjoy a long association with the American Nurses Foundation (ANF), the charitable and philanthropic arm of the American Nurses Association (ANA). It…
High consumption of trans fat diminishes memoryNovember 20, 2014A study presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2014 found that high trans fat consumption is linked to worse memory among working-age men. Read more.
Issues up closeNovember 10, 2014Advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) are increasing in number and in value to the healthcare delivery system. As more people have access to health care, expanded opportunities for…
Leadership insightsNovember 10, 2014As part of its initiative to recognize nurses in board leadership roles, the American Nurses Foundation interviewed Angela Barron McBride, PhD, RN, FAAN, FNAP, an Indiana State Nurses…
Letter to the Editor – Creating high performance interprofessional teamsFebruary 18, 2015February 15, 2015 Lillee Gelinas, MSN, RN, FAAN Editor-In-Chief American Nurse Today myamericannurse.com Dear Editor, I am writing in response to the article entitled “Creating high performance interprofessional…
New guidelines for treating cancer of the esophagusNovember 13, 2014The November 2014 issue of The Annals of Thoracic Surgery includes practice guidelines on the use of multimodality treatment for cancer of the esophagus and gastroesophageal junction. Read…
Nursing practice and work environmentNovember 10, 2014A patient was admitted to the hospital for uncontrolled diabetes. A nurse taking care of her checked her blood glucose level. The glucometer showed the patient’s blood level…
Staying healthy: Advice for telehealth nursesNovember 10, 2014Telehealth, telemedicine, and home-based telehealth work have grown dramatically in recent years. These programs enable nurses to provide patient care remotely from a medical office or their own home.…
Stroke in a child with sickle cell anemiaNovember 10, 2014Adrienne Johnson, age 5, is admitted to the general pediatric unit. She has sickle cell anemia (hemoglobin SS subtype) and recently was discharged after being hospitalized for acute…
Synchronicity: Meeting Mother TeresaNovember 10, 2014In 1981, I attended the International Conference of Nurses meeting in Los Angeles. I took this opportunity to visit a colleague who’d just been diagnosed with malignant melanoma.…
Travel nursing, anyone?November 10, 2014If you’ve been working as a nurse for more than a minute, chances are you’ve heard the term travel nurse or worked with one. But while you may…
Using mobile technology to engage nursing staffNovember 10, 2014I’ve seen plenty of changes during my 30 years in nursing and healthcare settings. I’ve also experienced many different work environments. In some hospitals, leaders fostered an efficient,…
What you need to know about electronic documentationNovember 10, 2014Electronic health records (EHRs) are here to stay. Beginning January 1, 2014, all public and private healthcare providers were required to adopt and demonstrate “meaningful use” of EHRs…
What’s new in anticoagulation for patients with atrial fibrillation?November 10, 2014Mrs. Muriel H, age 78, is admitted to the medical-surgical unit with GI bleeding. She has a 5-year history of atrial fibrillation and has been taking warfarin 5…
Creating high-performance interprofessional teamsBy: Terry Eggenberger, PhD, RN, CNE, CNL; Rose O. Sherman, EdD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN; Kathryn Keller, PhD, RN