A world of differenceJune 8, 2023Nurses act in concert to support and evolve the profession. At the end of June, thousands of nurses from more than 100 countries will convene in Montreal for…
Acute kidney injury: A nursing challengeJune 7, 2023The renal system comprises the kidneys, ureters, and urethra, which maintain homeostasis via filtration and excretion of waste products, participate in acidbase balance, produce renin for maintaining hemodynamics,…
ANA Enterprise News, June 2023June 11, 2023Thousands of RNs plan to leave the profession by 2027 More than 600,000 RNs said they plan to leave the nursing workforce by 2027 due to stress, burnout,…
COVID-19 alternate care sites: RN perspectiveJune 8, 2023Identify challenges and benefits to inform future sites. Takeaways: This project sought the perspectives of RNs to understand the challenges, barriers, and benefits of working in COVID-19 alternative…
Discharge planning assessment toolJune 5, 2023Hospital discharge delay, defined as more than 2 hours from the time of a written order, can negatively impact patients and hospitals. In addition to patients experiencing some…
Healthy workplaces, healthy nursesJune 11, 2023Two healthcare systems take the Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation mission to heart. Penn Medicine Princeton Health and Orlando VA Health Care System (OVAHCS) are making nurses wellness a…
Implementing safe discharges for patients without homesJune 12, 2023A recently discharged elderly homeless patient died near the hospital in which I work. We’re discharging more elderly patients to the streets because shelter beds aren’t available. We…
Innovation at the frontline of nursingJune 7, 2023Current healthcare challenges require reinvigorated frontline staff. The American Hospital Association’s 2023 Environmental Scan provides a comprehensive and sobering account of the current workforce crisis, specifically within hospitals.…
Keys to understanding long COVIDJune 8, 2023Unlock the mystery to a clinical challenge. Do you know someone with long COVID? I do. As a result, I’m trying to understand it as much as possible,…
Magnet4EuropeJune 10, 2023Magnet4Europe (M4E), a European Union (EU)-funded project, includes more than 60 hospitals in six European countries (Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom) and 67 U.S.…
Master classJune 9, 2023After more than 45 years as an RN and over 3 decades as an accomplished and cherished leader, ANA Enterprise CEO Loressa Cole, DNP, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN,…
Neonatal abstinence syndrome: A quality improvement initiativeJune 5, 2023Providers diagnose neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) in newborns who’ve sustained prolonged in-utero exposure to illegal drugs or prescribed medications and begin to show signs of withdrawal after birth…
Nursing and the evolution of population healthJune 7, 2023Look to the past to prepare for the future. Takeaways: An urgent need exists for nurses to engage in and lead population health activities and services. Many familiar…
Patient-centered innovationJune 9, 2023Improving safety, access, and outcomes The American Nurses Association (ANA) and the American Nurses Foundation revealed the 2023 ANA Innovation Awards winners, sponsored by Stryker, a leading global…
Postoperative atelectasisJune 10, 2023Early recognition and prompt action achieve a positive outcome. Atelectasis occurs in 90% of patients who receive general anesthesia. Partial or complete collapse of the lungs’ small airways…
Preparing future nurses with the thoughtful use of technologyJune 11, 2023Extended reality brings clinical scenarios to classrooms At The Ohio State University in Columbus, nursing students are experiencing clinical situations that normally only practicing nurses encounter—and they aren’t…
The power of flexibilityJune 10, 2023Smart scheduling drives a satisfied nursing workforce “The more you use the reins, the less they use their brains” is one of my favorite leadership quotes. It reminds…
The uneven road to new models of careJune 9, 2023Insight study highlights critical perception gaps between leaders and frontline nurses A study exploring how healthcare organizations currently respond to todays challenges and how they could better use…
Acute kidney injury: A nursing challengeBy: Fidelindo Lim, DNP, CCRN, FAAN, and Allen Li, BSN, RN, CCRN
COVID-19 alternate care sites: RN perspectiveBy: Irma Arnese Stern, DNP, RN; Marion Broome, PhD, RN FAAN; Barbara Turner, PhD, RN, FAAN; and Mary Ann Fuchs, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
Discharge planning assessment toolBy: Heather Stein, MSN, RN-BC; Keshia S. Duhon, MS, BSN, RN; and Jose Sepulveda, LMSW
Implementing safe discharges for patients without homesBy: Response by Danisha Jenkins, PhD, RN, CCRN, NEA-BC
Innovation at the frontline of nursingBy: Sally O. Gerard, DNP, RN, ADCES, and Christin Joy Lucia, MSN, RN, CCRN
Magnet4EuropeBy: Rocel dela Rosa-Besa, PhD, RN, CV-BC, NPD-BC, CNE; Lisa Guinta, MSN, RN, NEA-BC; and Katrin Mueller-Duemke, MsC
Neonatal abstinence syndrome: A quality improvement initiativeBy: Erica Fonseca, DNP, APRN, NNP-BC, and Renea Powell, DNP, APRN, NNP-BC, CPNP-PC
Nursing and the evolution of population healthBy: Marisa L. Wilson, DNSc, MHSc, RN-BC, CPHIMS, FAMIA, FIAHSI, FAAN; Lynn M. Stover Nichols, PhD, RN, PED-BC, SANE; and Nancy Rudner, DrPH, APRN