AHRQ releases Spanish medication tracking toolAugust 11, 2011The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has released a newly revised Spanish language medication tracking tool, “Su medicamento: Infórmese. Evite riesgos.” (“Your Medicine: Be Smart. Be Safe.”).…
Ambulance diversions increase mortalityAugust 11, 2011A new study finds that ED diversion is associated with increased mortality.
Evidence-based interventions for the prevention of bleeding in patients with cancerAugust 11, 2011Learn how you can help prevent bleeding in patients with cancer.
FDA approves new melanoma drugAugust 11, 2011The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Zelboraf (vemurafenib) for use in patients with metastatic or unresectable melanoma who have the BRAF V600E mutation. Read more.
FDA approves treatment for hereditary angioedemaAugust 11, 2011The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Firazyr (icatibant) Injection for the treatment of acute attacks of hereditary angioedema in people ages 18 years and older.…
FDA approves treatment of non-small cell lung cancerAugust 11, 2011The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Xalkori (crizotinib) to treat patients with late-stage non-small cell lung cancers who express the abnormal anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)…
FDA podcast addresses dangers of long-term, high dosage use of Diflucan during pregnancyAugust 11, 2011The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released a podcast explaining how long-term, high dosage use of Diflucan during pregnancy may be associated with rare birth defects.…
FDA publishes REMS listAugust 11, 2011Access a list of Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies (REMS) required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Read more..
From our readers. . . Is disaster relief nursing for you?August 11, 2011Recently I had the opportunity to provide nursing services after an earthquake disaster in the Caribbean. In this article, I share my insights gained from that trip, service…
From our readers…Balancing the power in favor of patientsAugust 11, 2011Ms. Sims, a bedside nurse featured by Leah Curtin earlier this year inspired me to write this article. At the behest of others, Ms. Sims challenged administration regarding…
From our readers…Strategies for Implementing an Effective Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners Program (SANE)August 11, 2011SANE nurses help ensure victims of sexual assault receive the compassionate care they need and collect evidence that can be used in court.
Gorillas, restraints, and moral blind spotsAugust 11, 2011Leah Curtin discusses a restraint situation.
High-energy drinks: What you don’t know could hurt youAugust 11, 2011High-energy drinks carry risks nurses need to know.
Hospital patients with chronic diseases at risk for unintentional stoppage of medicationsAugust 11, 2011A study in JAMA found that patients with chronic diseases who are admitted to the hospital are at increased risk for unintentional discontinuation of their medications. The problem…
Lancet publishes series on worldwide obesityAugust 11, 2011The Lancet has published a four-part series on worldwide obesity. The articles can be accessed at no charge, but registration is required. Read more.
Lancet study suggests 9/11 firefighters may have higher risk of cancerAugust 11, 2011The Lancet has published a study that reports a “modest excess of cancer cases” in 9/11 New York City firefighters. The researchers caution that more information is needed…
Of artichokes and angry patientsAugust 11, 2011An angry patient is like an artichoke. An artichoke is prickly and rough on the outside, but by taking time to learn how to peel its rough leaves,…
Preventing physician fatigueAugust 11, 2011Learn about new recommendations for reducing physician fatigue
Rate of not-for-profit hospital revenue growth lowest in two decades, says Moody’sAugust 11, 2011A report from Moody’s says that the rate of not-for-profit hospital revenue growth lowest in two decades. Read more.
Ready, set, go! How to return to the nursing workforceAugust 11, 2011Are you an RN who has been out of the workforce? Your talents, experience and expertise are needed in all healthcare settings. While technology and treatments have changed,…
Single sigmoidoscopy screen reduces colorectal cancersAugust 11, 2011Undergoing a single screening sigmoidoscopy between ages 55 and 64 reduced the incidence of colorectal cancer according to a study of 34,272. Read more.
Smoking soon after waking may increase cancer riskAugust 11, 2011Smoking the first cigarette soon after waking is associated with a greater risk of head and neck cancer according to a study published by Cancer. Read more..
Stop the silence of elder abuseAugust 11, 2011Learn how to identify elder abuse and what to do if you suspect abuse.
Study finds radiofrequency ablation effective for Barrett’s esophagusAugust 11, 2011Radiofrequency ablation for Barrett’s esophagus with dysplasia has an acceptable safety profile and is associated with a low rate of disease progression, for up to 3 years according…
The impaired nurse: Would you know what to do if you suspected substance abuse?August 11, 2011Check your knowledge of substance abuse in nurses.
TJC releases sentinel event alert on radiation risk of diagnostic imagingAugust 11, 2011On Aug. 24, The Joint Commission (TJC) published a sentinel event alert on the radiation risk of diagnostic images. It includes actions organizations can take to eliminate avoidable…
Understanding FDA’s Risk Evaluation and Mitigation StrategyAugust 11, 2011FDA’s REMS program is one more way the agency is trying to reduce drug risks.
From our readers…Strategies for Implementing an Effective Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners Program (SANE)By:
The impaired nurse: Would you know what to do if you suspected substance abuse?By: Cynthia M. Thomas and Debra Siela