For the first time ever, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized eight Swedish Match USA, Inc. snus smokeless tobacco products to be marketed through the modified risk tobacco product (MRTP) pathway.
Recently, a lot of dialogue has occurred around smoking alternatives and their link with several major health concerns. This FDA announcement is critical not only to marketing these products, but also how consumers are educated about their risks. This new MRTP marketing protocol means that these products will include the claim “Using General Snus instead of cigarettes puts you at a lower risk of mouth cancer, heart disease, lung cancer, stroke, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis.”
An important note in the FDA’s announcement states that although these products are going to be sold within the United States with this modified risk claim, “it does not mean these products are safe or ‘FDA approved.’ All tobacco products are potentially harmful and addictive, and those who do not use tobacco products should continue to refrain from their use.”
Please read more about this announcement, here.