Spring is just around the corner, and visions of greenery, flowers in bloom, lush lawns, and birds singing are all revitalizing. The Spring semester is going strong, so things are beginning to take shape for SCNF for a bright spring ahead. Student nurses, nurses, and nurse practitioners are working diligently, whether for learning or serving. Now more than ever, they need your support to achieve their goals. SCNF will be engaging in multiple ways to award and provide scholarships to individuals seeking support to achieve their goals.
The Palmetto Gold Gala will be held on Saturday, April 26, 2025. At least 15 students will receive scholarships, while 100 nurses will receive recognition for their efforts across South Carolina. The Palmetto Gold Gala is an annual event recognizing the excellent work nurses and student nurses provide for patient populations across South Carolina. The event will be held at 6:30 PM on that Saturday at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center. However, the opportunities to raise funds for nurses and student nurses does not stop there. With Nurse’s Month coming, multiple opportunities will provide a means to support those goals. Midlands Gives Day will be held during Nurse’s Week on Tuesday, May 6, 2025 and provides the first chance for donors to help nurses and student nurses. The Nurses 5K will be held in Columbia, SC, on Saturday, May 24, 2025. This collaboration between SCNF and SCNA hallmarks how the members of the organizations hope to provide individuals with awards to help them reach their goals and improve the community health of diverse populations. During this time, SCNF will also send out the call for nominations for the Nurses Care Scholarships, which are open until June. Look for nomination information to come later on in the spring. To learn more about Palmetto Gold, the Nurses 5K and registration, and Nurses Care Scholarships, please visit our social media pages or our website at www.scnursesfoundation.org.
Caring for others requires learning more, and learning more requires caring more. If we strive to help individuals realize their dreams and ambitions of becoming nurses or advanced practice nurses, we can give to a common need that supports us all. We can help them overcome obstacles, be bold in our endeavors, and allow compassionate people who gracefully serve others every day to achieve their goals. Our humanity is what drives us to care for others more than we care for ourselves.
South Carolina (SC) needs more nurses. Nurses need scholarships. Becoming a nurse or advanced practice nurse takes massive effort financially, physically, and mentally. Earning a nursing degree at various levels has multiple commitments of years of education: RN and BSN can take 2-4 years; Advanced practice degrees add 2-3 years; Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) and Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (Ph.D.) degrees add another 1-6 years of education. With more highly educated nurses, patients receive better care. SCNF’s mission is to provide scholarships for nurses and to ease the burden of the cost of an education. Now is the time to consider giving to the SCNF. You can donate in various ways. The SCNF social media accounts link back to the main website, where a donate button can be found. The license plate initiative shows everyone you are a nurse, with proceeds from the license plates supporting Nurses Care Scholarships. Just Cause Apparel gives 50% of the profits on scrubs sold to the person’s charity of choice to assist nurses and nursing students with scholarships. Choose SCNF as the cause of choice, and they will handle the rest. Bequeathments from estates and “Friends of the Foundation” donations help offset the cost of running SCNF. The Board of Trustees for SCNF are volunteers. We understand how hard nurses work. SCNF is working hard to help nurses, but this cannot be done without you! We want to help people pursue their goals. Remember: SC needs nurses, and SCNF needs donations to give nurses and student nurses more scholarships. Please donate today!