Below are recent articles from
ANA-Ohio News Journal, the official publication of the American Nurses Association Ohio.

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Nursing and Voting

What does advocacy mean? For many it means the act of speaking or writing on behalf of someone or something. Certainly, the concept of advocacy is imbedded in the foundational documents of our profession.

The Value of Nursing

What do you think of when you consider the value of nursing? How would you describe nursing’s value to a colleague or a neighbor?

An Extraordinary Life of Davina Gosnell, PhD, RN, FAAN

Davina Gosnell, RN, PhD, FAAN, has earned various wonderful awards and honors throughout her lifetime. These are recounted in numerous tributes as well as her obituary. ( ). Her life…

2023 Nursing Policy Hackathon Reflection

The ANA-Ohio Nursing Policy Hackathon took place November 3-5, 2023, at Miami University in their brand-new Clinical Health Science and Wellness Facility where we sought interdisciplinary, policy solutions to the…

Nursing Partnerships

(Pictured Above: [Left] Ohio Student Nurses Association – Kathy Fernandez Advisor (and ANA-Ohio member) Sally Morgan and Raya Cupler, ANA-Ohio members 10-8-23; [Right] Ohio PeriAnesthesia Conference – President Kim Place…

Nursing and Voting

What does advocacy mean? For many it means the act of speaking or writing on behalf of someone or something. Certainly, the…

The Value of Nursing

What do you think of when you consider the value of nursing? How would you describe nursing’s value to a colleague or…

Nursing Partnerships

(Pictured Above: [Left] Ohio Student Nurses Association – Kathy Fernandez Advisor (and ANA-Ohio member) Sally Morgan and Raya Cupler, ANA-Ohio members 10-8-23;…

Articles From American Nurse that you may be interested in

Vaccination and vaccine-hesitancy

Historically, vaccination rates among college students, specifically for human papillomavirus and seasonal influenza, have run low. The same trend has occurred with COVID-19 vaccination. To address this issue, a team of nurses at a large public research university undertook a project to better understand vaccine hesitancy among college students and help nurses and providers tackle this hesitancy.

Lyme carditis: A clinical case report

A 19-year-old college student arrives at the campus student health clinic after feeling faint while out for his routine run. He tells the health clinic RN that during the run he had difficulty breathing and felt dizzy. The student tells the RN that over the previous 2 weeks he’s experienced increasing fatigue, persistent headaches, mild shortness of breath on exertion, occasional palpitations, and joint pain. He also reports that 6 weeks earlier, when camping in a heavily wooded area, he received a tick bite.

My patient is a victim of human trafficking

The growth of human trafficking increases the odds that you’ll encounter a patient who’s a victim. We can’t afford to miss any opportunity to provide aid to this vulnerable population. The average life span of a victim of trafficking is only 5 to 7 years. According to the U.S. Department of State, victims of trafficking frequently suffer serious physical abuse and neglect, experience drug overdoses, die by suicide, or are murdered. Your rapid assessment of the situation and immediate interventions can save a life.

Medication safety and pediatric health

Research shows that 7,000 to 9,000 people die annually in the United States secondary to a medication error at a cost of over $40 billion a year. Improving healthcare outcomes requires mitigation of medication error risk. Learn how a pediatric health system addressed this need for mitigation by successfully implementing the Institute for Safe Medication Practices recommendation for a five-character override when removing medication from an automated dispensing cabinet.

Chylothorax: A stepwise approach to care

Clinical management of chylothorax varies, so implementing an organized stepwise approach to care can improve patient outcomes. Components of this approach include…

Aortic dissection

An aortic dissection is caused by a tear in the intimal wall of the aorta forcing blood to flow between layers of…

Knowledge of intravascular determination

Current nursing practice uses secondary responses (heart rate, blood pressure, and urine output) to monitor intravascular volume and fluid responsiveness. However, stroke…

Diabetes innovations and access to care

Over the years, several innovations (insulin, glucometers, insulin pens) have helped to improve diabetes care and management. However, many of these technologies…