Skin Assessment of the Frail Elderly, with President of the Society of Dermatology Nurse Practitioners, Lakshi M. Aldredge, MSN, ANP-BC, DCNP, is a succinct primer of the clinical changes which skin undergoes in the aging process, the vulnerabilities these changes present, the skin disorders caused by many common conditions of aging, and the damaging factors which can result in both acute and chronic skin breakdown. Given the growing cohort of the elderly in the US, it is imperative that frontline nurses be aware of the specific fragilities of older skin to mitigate the risks in daily care of this vulnerable patient population.
Register today for American Nurse Journal’s free on-demand webinar on Dermal Damage Control. Managing medical device-related skin injuries.
Best Practice Statement: Care of the Older Person’s Skin – 2nd Edition (2012)
This content has been developed through an unrestricted educational grant provided by Medtronic. Content has been reviewed by American Nurse Journal editorial staff and/or topic experts to ensure accuracy.
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