2024-2025 Education and Career Guide

The American Nurse Journal Education and Career Guide brings you editorial content to expand your career horizons. Whether you’re interested in returning to school, contemplating teaching opportunities, or exploring a new career path, read on for tips and ideas to consider as you take your next steps. This career and professional development advice will inspire you in both your current role and future professional nursing positions.

U.S. Navy nursing: Service beyond the shore

USN nurses share their deployment experiences. Have you ever thought about a career as a U.S. Navy (USN) nurse? If so, you must consider that USN nurses hold two jobs—Naval…

Navigating the crossroads of nursing faculty practice

Opportunities and challenges Faculty practice holds the potential to reshape nursing academia. The traditional roles of educators, researchers, and mentors remain essential to the academic mission, but the integration of…

Shared governance

Prepare nurses to lead. Shared governance provides clinical nurses with a voice and opportunities to engage within an organization. It allows them to step into leadership roles to strengthen the…

Nurse leadership: Pitfalls and solutions

Consider these solutions to three common mistakes. Stepping into a formal leadership role is exciting. Whether it’s your first supervisor or manager role or an interim position with the potential…

Does money matter?

The United States continues to experience a shortage of frontline nurses, and a critical nurse faculty shortage impedes efforts to educate nurses to meet clinical workforce demands. In 2021, according…

Diversity Research Scholars: A path to finding our voice

Nurses of color and those from other marginalized groups face several barriers to pursuing career advancement, including racial discrimination, few role models, and lack of support. However, exposure and mentorship can serve as a mechanism to address the mismatch between patient and nursing workforce demographics

Home health nursing

Patient-centered care focused on self-sufficiency The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) uses the term “home health” to describe a federal health insurance program that provides intermittent short-term care…

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