
2024 MONA Board of Director Candidates

By: The Missouri Nurses Association

The Missouri Nurses Association is excited to introduce the candidates running for board positions this year. These dedicated professionals bring a wealth of experience, passion, and commitment to advancing the nursing profession in Missouri. In this article, you’ll meet the exceptional individuals who are eager to serve, advocate for, and lead our nursing community towards a brighter future. Get to know each candidate’s background, vision, and goals as they seek your support in the upcoming election.


Sandra Wilson, MSN, RN, ACNS-BC, CNE, FAADN
Sandra Reed Wilson is the Director of Nursing for Crowder College. She holds compact licensure in the State of Missouri as a Registered Nurse and is also licensed as an advance practice nurse in Missouri as an Adult Clinical Nurse Specialist. She holds certification from National League of Nursing as a Certified Nurse Educator and was induced as a Fellow to the Academy of Associate Degree Nursing. Mrs. Wilson is routinely a presenter at local, state, regional and national conferences. Mrs. Wilson has lead a variety of committees through Bylaws review and revision and most recently served the Missouri Nurses Association during 2023-2024 as the Bylaws Chair.


Heidi Fields, DNP, RN, CPNP-PC
I am a pediatric advanced practice registered nurse with 35 years of experience working in a pediatric hospital on an academic medical center campus in St. Louis. I work in a Quality, Safety, and Practice Excellence department in non-collaborative APRN practice as an APRN and Magnet program director, and collaborate on quality and safety initiatives such as falls, pressure injuries, and other special projects. I was elected as a MONA Board Leadership Fellow for 2023-2024, and in December 2023, due to a vacancy in the VP of Communications role, was appointed into that role by the MONA Board of Directors. I’ve gained valuable experience leading the committee the last several months and would like to continue this work to improve and enhance MONA’s strength and visibility across the state, with an ultimate goal to engage more nurses in statewide initiatives to improve the health and well-being of all Missourians.


Goodluck Nshi, DNP, MSc.Ed, BNSc, RN, RPON, CCRN
I am Dr. Goodluck Nshi, DNP, MSc.Ed, BNSc, RN, RPON, CCRN. I have been a Registered Nurse for fourteen years with experiences across various specialties, such as administration, education, critical care, behavioral health, operating room, and nursing association management. I have experienced nursing practice in three different continents: Africa, Asia (Middle East) and North America. I am a volunteer member of the MONA-PAC advocacy group. Aside from MONA and ANA, I also belong to other notable nursing associations, including the Emergency Nursing Association (ENA), University Graduates of Nursing Science Association (UGONSA), Sigma Theta Tau, International Honor Society of Nursing, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) and Association of Nigerian Nurses in Missouri (ANNMO). I have held the Vice President communication position in other nursing associations. For example, I was the Vice President of Communication of UGONSA from 2014 to 2022, and currently the Vice President of Communication of ANNMO.

Practice Director

Laura Kuensting, DNP, APRN, PCNS-BC, CPNP, CPEN
I was one of the first nurses to obtain a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree in the state of Missouri. I have always had a clinical practice, but I also began a career in academic nursing and recently retired from academia after 12 years as an associate professor. In 2015, I had the opportunity to serve as the first Director of the Institute for Emergency Nurses in Advanced Practice at the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) in Chicago, IL., but I returned to St. Louis in 2016. Since 2021, I have been in private practice. I am active and held offices in several professional nursing organizations. During my career, I have always practiced, worked with, and mentored new and experienced RNs. I am vested in educating, mentoring, and fostering the practice of nursing from the undergraduate to graduate nursing levels. The nursing of children has been my life’s work.


Trina Cole, RN, BSN, MSN
Nursing has changed a lot in the time that I have been fortunate to be a member of it. I feel some for the better and some not so much. I still feel like the nursing professionals are the most trusted profession. I feel there is an opportunity for more advocate for us and I am a great asset. I enjoy getting people involved and have a knack for motivating people to stay. In my ASC, I’m very proud to say that we have less than 1% turnover and only 3% during COVID. The Mission of MONA mirrors mine. One goal to stay educated, so I can educate others. I believe all areas of nursing are special. I have requested the Mayor of Lee’s Summit to grant a proclamation for nursing every year on Nursing Day. I have been and am currently the quality and safety lead in my facility.


Karen Murray, RN, BSN, CCRN
I feel the qualities I can bring to the table is not only my 35+ years as a nurse but the committees and organizations I have served on show that I am passionate about nursing. I have served on a multitude of hospital and unit based committees over the years. I helped to bring a shared governance structure to my organization. For the last few years, I have had the pleasure over to share my work at conferences as well as writing my accomplishments in nursing journals. I am presently serving on the MONA Practice Council. I am currently participating in the MONA Advocacy Institute.


Christina Shoaf, MHA, MSN, RN
I knew from an early age that I wanted to be a nurse. Caring for people who could not care for themselves resonated with me, and I knew it was my calling. I work in a very socioeconomically diverse area, where we see uninsured and under-insured patients who lack knowledge of why taking care of their health is essential. I feel honored to be able to advocate for and help educate my patients on their health and how to improve it. It is my part in changing the health disparities in my community. I believe that as a board leadership fellow, I will advocate for my fellow nurses by being a voice for them. My goals are to work to decrease gaps in access to care for patients, to promote safe nursing practices, to promote best practice metrics in care, continuing education requirements and support resiliency in nursing practice.


Rhonda Newberry, RN-BC, MSN, CCRN, CLNC, CCDS, Paralegal
Nursing has long been a respected profession that needs to be allowed to safely practice within the full extent of training, not only for the APRN but all subspecialities of nursing. I have long been a member of MONA and a Board member and have endeavored to this goal and will continue to work until this is achieved. I have encouraged the inclusion of other nursing organizations in this process to ensure that their voices are heard as well.

West Region Director

Jessica Hoehne, DNP, RN, CMSRN
My name is Jessica Hoehne. I have been a registered nurse in Missouri for my 16-year career. I have been in a nursing leadership role for the last 11 years with my current role as the clinical manager for the Neurosciences Service Line at MU Health Care. I graduated from the University of Missouri – Columbia with my DNP in Nursing Leadership in 2023. My passions in nursing are mentorship and advocacy. I have been invited to present my work on mentorship at various conferences across the country. I am part of MONA’s nurse liaison program and I am currently in the Advocacy Institute Fellowship. I have served on various committees, most recently with Sigma Theta Tau and Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS). I have led organization-wide projects such as priority initiatives and programs. My experience and leadership opportunities has prepared me to lead the Regional Chair: West.


Brigid Toyne-Barfoot, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
My nursing leadership goals have continued to evolve over my 20-plus years in the profession. As my career has continued to develop so has my understanding of nursing as a profession and all that encompasses. This growth in my knowledge base has influenced how I view my responsibilities as a leader. I believe that the role of every nursing leader is to ensure that all nurses can grow their professional practice in a manner that includes diverse knowledge, experience levels, and cultures on our team. Nursing leaders stand as the professional disruptor, breaking down silos and bringing together diverse groups of nurses with a shared purpose. Through the shared purpose, nursing will continue to grow as a profession. My interest in this leadership role is to continue to expand my knowledge base and to support others as they do the same.


Alexis Curran, BSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM
As a nurse educator, I teach my students that advocating for themselves, and the nursing profession is just as important as advocating for patients and families. Engaging young and novice nurses in advocacy and leadership is pivotal, as the decisions being made today will impact their careers long-term. By serving as a Board Leadership Fellow, I hope to show that it is possible to be actively involved in leadership and political advocacy without having decades of experience in the nursing field and actively demonstrate the impact that a positive attitude, strong work ethic, and innovative thinking can have when enacting change. I strongly believe in the principle of leaving things better than you found them and working to improve the profession for current and future Missouri nurses is no exception.

Content of this article has been developed in collaboration with the referenced State Nursing Association.

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